Business Proposition
All through the night Andrea tossed on her bed restlessly, she could not believe that Thor was still resisting her, it could not be because of that wench Garnet.

She wondered why Garnet was still around him. She had made sure that the Nerd had tied up both Garnet and Bill so that if Thor tried to look for the people responsible for the virus it would be them but so far it had been mum and the virus had been eliminated quite quickly too. What a waste. As the first hints of dawn painted the horizon, Andrea knew what she had to do.

Thor deserved to hear this proposal unfiltered, unadulterated by the hesitation a phone call might breed. He deserved to see the fire in her eyes as she spoke, the unwavering belief in their shared vision. Armed with a killer presentation and a dress that spoke volumes in a power suit so that he could see that she was his equal, Andrea set off for Thor’s office, heart pounding a rhythm only the thrill of the unknown could conjure.

Andrea, impeccably dressed in
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