Celebrating a new life
The velvet rope parted with a hushed whisper, admitting Bill and Garnet into the hushed oasis of "Heaven." Plush leather banquettes hugged the perimeter, cradling patrons cloaked in the city's secrets and whispered deals.

Garnet, her fiery hair left untamed into billowy curls that fell to her back, glided through the room, her emerald dress clinging to curves newly free from the shackles of matrimony. Bill, clad in a charcoal suit that mirrored the city's twilight, trailed behind her like a loyal and proud shadow, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.

It seemed that at last he would have his prize. Garnet was a gem that shone brightly among others and he had waited for so long to claim her, who knew that Thor would give her up so easily after holding unto her firmly. Her amnesia had just been a stroke of good luck and she had been like putty in his hands, easy to shape.

The air thrummed with the low purr of conversations and the clinking of crystal against ice. An onyx grand piano
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