Peach and Teal
It was finally the day of the party and there was an energy in the air as staff went about putting finishing touches to the elaborate event. The guests were due to arrive in about an hour, Garnet was in her room along with her mother and the make up artist was putting finishing touches to her face and hair yet, Thor had still not made an appearance.

He had not called, he had not shown up at the house, she had gone to the office everyday, anxious for him to summon her to his office but it had been crickets and at this point she was worried that he was in a ditch dead somewhere or plotting some evil plan that would badly burn her family.

“I can not believe that Thor has not come or even tried to call to find out how far along we have gone with the preparations for the party.” Garnet complained and her mother who had been trying to decide on a jewelry set to wear that evening stopped rifling through the drawers and turned to look at Garnet.

“What would you rather have happened? Would it
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