The Party II
The air hung heavy with the scent of jasmine and the joyful thrum of laughter from the revelling partygoers in the ballroom. From the corner of his eye Thor watched as his wife and Bill left the hall hand in hand, with a charming smile he managed to extricate himself from Laverne and Andrea’s hold.

He knew Garnet was feeling humiliated and hurt thanks to his actions but he shrugged off the creeping concern and told himself that the pain in her eyes did not bother him. After all, he was only paying back what they had given him. Her family must be stupid to think he would be so generous with them after how they had treated him all these years, this was just the beginning because he intended to make them pay for all they had done to his family.

Having excused himself from the boisterous crowd and its endless rounds of clinking champagne flutes and music, Thor silently followed Bill and Garnet into the moonlit embrace of the garden. Even though it had seemed like he had not being paying at
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