You Hurt Me
The front door slid open and Thor stepped inside the house, the remnants of a long day clinging to him like cobwebs. He wanted so badly to kick off his shoes as he had spent virtually all of the day standing on his feet. As he walked towards the living room he wondered why it was so quiet, usually the gentle lilt of classical music would greet him, but tonight, there was only an unsettling quiet.

He found Garnet and Bill curled up on the sofa, a shared blanket draped over their legs like a conspiratorial cloak. At the sight of him, Garnet seemed to shrink into herself and he was taken aback by that. He thought that he had started to have a better relationship with her and she had seemed to be warming up to him. He glanced at Bill’s face and knew he had something to do with her reaction.

"Hey, guys," he said, his voice Cold. "What's going on?"

Garnet, her face etched with a worry Thor had not seen in a while, looked up. "Hi, Thor. Bill came over and we were just... catching up."

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