"You are so delusional! You want me to tell her who her stepbrother is? You want to ruin my career? My life? My late husband was right about you. And know this," she pointed a finger at him, ready to deliver her final words on the matter, "what you said will never happen. I will never expose the secret I’ve been hiding from Wuyan for so long."

With that, Mrs. Pheona stormed out of the prison, leaving Mr. Warren behind. She got into her car, heading back to her house. "I must do something about this," she screamed in the car, her voice filled with frustration. She was so distracted as she drove that she almost collided with an oncoming vehicle. She knew Wuyan would never give up until she found the answer, which was all the more reason she needed to act fast. Her life would be destroyed if Wuyan ever uncovered the truth. Mrs. Pheona desperately thought of a way to end this ordeal, and one dark thought crept into her mind: *Murder*, she whispered to herself, her lips curling into a sini
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