
Ace was charging toward the zerg queen while using the laws of space and nothingness. Where ever he teleported to the zergs would all get annihilated within 240 miles. The girls would also use their laws immediately and finish the reaming zergs. In this way, they continued to fly toward the zergs.

The one-sided slaughter continued for ten hours. Finally, they reached the zerg queen. She seems to be protecting her babies. Seeing this Ace and the other girls were a little bit touched but the next time Ace and the girls attacked the main culprit who destroyed countless planets.

The law used by the girls couldn't penetrate the defense of the zerg queen. The zerg queen also began to use various laws to protect herself.

Ace saw this and used the law of nothingness to break the defense of the zerg queen.

The girls took advantage to deal high amounts of damage.

The fight went on for three hours.

The fight was a legendary one.

In this fight, any time the girls and Ace were put in a precarious
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