Chapter 78: Training
“You called for me sir,” Darius said as soon as he walked into the meeting room and saw Galgamuth's back.

Within the meeting room, a round table found its place in the center on top of a brown fur rug.

Surrounding the table were the figureheads of this still godless faction. Including the twenty-odd people of different ages, there was Priya and Clancy, who stood together on the west side of the room.

Galgamuth's back faced Darius and opposite him was Stan, the four-armed cyborg.

Galgamuth was the only level 40 above in the whole commune, while Priya, Clancy, and eighteen other people in the room had levels ranging from level 30 to 38 in the whole faction.

Darius and Stan were the only level 20s in the room and there were reasons for that.

Darius wasn't too clear on how an individual’s level was calculated, but from what he gathered over time, Stan was a level 21 with the Technomancy talent

According to Stan himself, the resources and technological knowledge required for
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