133. Devano and Arya

The poor man's revenge 133

Aldo was happy when he found out that his master had woken up according to his prediction that didn't miss. He smiled and immediately approached his master, he had to make sure his master would be okay. He was going to make sure his master woke up hearing nothing less than before, he was scared, and he started asking questions that would answer all of his questions.

But the words spoken by his master made him feel very surprised. How could he say it, he wasn't playing around after making her laugh a little loudly?

“Please, don't be like this sir, your jokes are very uninteresting. I don't like it.”

Immediately he saw that his master shook his head with a face that was so serious without intending to look at him.

“Aldo I never lie with everyone, I see darkness.”

Immediately Aldo moved swiftly towards the front of the man, he saw and moved the man, and he tried to make sure that the man didn't see. He immediately and unexpected immediately wanted to
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