4. new life

Chapter 4

The Poor Man's Revenge ~4


 A new life has appeared in front of Arya, a figure with a different identity is now pinned to her.

 Devano Abraham, that's his new name. A strong, successful, and powerful man. A handsome face was perfect for him, which he would later use to lure money-loving insects and catch him with one smack and then stomp on him helplessly.

  He stood with his retina constantly gazing in awe at all the assets that currently belonged to him. That woman—Hanum Abraham, the woman he would call Mom from this moment on, explained and told him all about Devano Abraham. The figure that will be pinned to him from now on.

 Starting from assets to all branches of the company from domestic to foreign, he explained in detail. Hearing that, Arya was so amazed by the figure of Devano Abraham, he is still so young, 34 years old, but he has become a very powerful and successful figure. Not like him, a useless 24-year-old man who can only wail in front of the bodies of his dad and mom.

 Speaking of Mom and Dad, Arya has buried both of them by asking her new Hanum-Mom for help. The funeral was held in his absence. He didn't want to come and see the bodies of his parents again, because that would open up the wounds he had been forced to close tightly.


 "Arya, from now on, I will remove that name from you, your current name is Devano Abraham. Call me your mom, be my son! In front of people or not. even though I'm not your mom

 "I know you miss the figure of a mom. I miss the figure of Devano-my son so much. I miss her so much, so be my son, and please find Devan's killer for me!"

 The woman stroked the top of Arya's head with love. Arya's heart was touched, and his defenses faltered. Clear white finally flowed wet, he missed his dad and mom.

 They embraced to channel the longing that never arrived.

 "I will be your son Mom, I will take care of you like Devan takes care of you. I know I will not be as good as him, but I will try. He has given me a second chance to have a good mom figure like you. So I will not waste it. That's my promise!" Arya said loudly.

 This unwanted meeting had finally arrived in a matter of hours.

 Ayla will meet Bagas, and discuss the issue of the engagement which has been delayed for a month. She had taken a lot of time to prepare herself. But in fact, even now she was not ready.

 Her body fell on her bed with her arms outstretched. She is tired of life.

 'How is this? I don't want to be with him. I just want to be with Arya. Arya, please pick me up, be like the prince you promised me, come when I need you.'

 "How do I deal with it, should I reject it in front of his parents? Or do I rebel against Dad. Huh, in the end, I will only be able to surrender."

 Ayla wept bitterly lamenting her fate,


 A window was forcefully opened. Ayla is surprised, is it a thief?

 Seen a man wearing all black with a scary clown mask approaching her.

 "Thie..." she stopped.

 She wanted to scream, but when she heard the man's voice. She knows. It was her Aryan male.

 "Arya, is that you?" Ayla smiled widely. Her eyes sparkled, that fear had now been replaced with happiness.


I hope all my friends like my story.  don't forget to add it to the library and leave a comment

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