Chapter 161

Edward, who had originally followed King Morwen's departure secretly, accidentally saw King Morwen meeting a man whose name he did not know at all. But earlier Edward accidentally heard that King Morwen called him Draco. Hearing that name mentioned, of course Edward immediately knew that the man was his biological father. He had been watching the battle between King Morwen and King Draco.

Just now, Edward again accidentally stepped on a twig, causing a sound. Thus diverting the attention from the two men who were fighting. Edward couldn't just walk away. The two of them had already seen it so Edward could not just leave. Moreover, Edward was also curious about his biological father who was predicted to be the most evil man in the entire land of Pyloruf.

Edward's feet stepped closer. King Morwen just watched what the seemingly curious Edward was doing. He also did not know that Edward was watching their fight.

"Who are you?" King Draco asked as he stared at Edward intently.

Edward's li
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