Jaden still felt the softness of the woman’s finger lingering on the back of his hand even after she left.

This woman definitely knew how to cause others to lose focus.

He glared at the card for a second before he flung it aside.

He was not interested in another person. Definitely not while he was still in love with Vera.

Jaden sat at the table and took a quick bite at the variety of foods laid out in front of him.

He closed his eyes and savored the taste of the food on his tongue.

Each bite that he took tasted better than the previous one.

The oysters were so soft that they melted in his mouth.

Jaden closed his eyes and enjoyed each of the foods on the table. He couldn’t remember the last time he had something so good to eat.

While staying at the Rae's, he could only eat the food that the servants and maids ate. Nobody bothered to give him something good to eat.

Even though he was made to work in the kitchen and cook the food, he never got a chance to taste it.

What a shame!

Jaden fin
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