
" You too... Please take care and be careful we'lll be in touch." Nathan said. They kissed and she headed to her vehicle and zoomed off. Amelia waved them Goodbye as she headed to her vehicle too and they got in and headed home.

" We finally took Khosrow down... They are all behind bars now" Nathan said, gazing at cayden through the side mirrors.

Cayden was shocked as he heard those words

" really??? Wow. How??" He asked.

" It was all Nicholas idea, he made rose lure Remik to spill the beans" Nathan grinned.

" Really and he spoke??? Wow.... The power of women, Inevitable!" Cayden grinned. They all began to laugh.

"we need to get someone to detect and disable the bombs" Nicholas said.

"Yeah that's true, I'll call on my technician to come help us with that" Nathan said, grabbing his phone.

As they got home, The technician came and deactivated all the planted bombs all around their mansions and they got in safely and headed to their rooms to rest after the long day

The next day, N
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