At first sight

Soren rushed out of his House, locking the door behind him. He was scared as well, Orion sounded really agitated over the phone, “What happened?” he thought. “I hope he’s not in trouble.” He shuffled his gaze between his phone and the path he was on into the woods, trying to navigate as quickly he could. “His location isn’t far from here”, he thought. “Please don’t be something serious”. 

“I’m here!”, Soren shouted as he leaped over the last boulder that stood between him and Orion. Orion, seeing his friend Soren, stood up with urgency and beckoned on him to come closer. Soren had noticed it too. He was puzzled. There was someone on the ground behind Orion, her skin was so pale, he was scared that she might be dead. 

“Soren, come over here!!”, “I don’t think she’s dead because she’s breathing but I can’t account for anything internal” Orion informed as Soren got closer. 


She’s beautiful, I mean I could tell from where I was that she was pretty but up close, she’s stunning. I bent down and held her hand. They were as soft as a a feathered pillow. I need to take her somewhere safe. I need to take her home. I reached under her, careful not to hurt her and carried her in my arms. Her body accepting the embrace of my arms as she moved closer into my torso. She wasn’t light, but she wasn’t heavy either. I could manage.

“Orion!”, I called, gazing at him with all seriousness. 

“Let’s take her to my place”.

He nodded at me as if we had both been thinking the same thing. Step by step, breath by breath. I had mustered up a new found strength. I don’t know if it was because I was worried about her, or because I was frigtened by the thought of someone dying and I didn’t do anything about it. I could barely focus on where I walked, I just kept staring at her, I wanted to make sure she was okay. She seemed sad, even unconcious, I could tell she was scared, she was afraid. It was like her soul spoke to me, telling me a little about her past struggles, the pain she felt. I didn’t know what it was but I just wanted to make sure she was safe. 

“We’re here”, Orion announced as he opened the front door to my house. 

I rushed over to the red sofa and gently placed her on it. I quickly rushed to the kitchen to boil some water and soak a towel in it so I could place it on her forehead. She was burning up. She must have been laying on the cold ground for a long time. 

“Orion, go to the medicine cabinet, get some pills for her, she’s burning up!”

“What pills?!” 

“Just bring all of them!" he exclaimed. "I’d sort it out!”

Orion rushed upstairs to get the pills. I on the other hand started preparing the hot towel. That’s when I noticed it. I had been present. I wasn’t drifting off midway while I did something. I was actually present, In the moment. Why? Why was all my attention now fixed on trying to help her. She was beautiful but there was something else. I couldn’t explain it but I just knew she needed my help. 

I got the water and soaked the towel in it. Orion came back with some pills and luckily one of them was what she needed. I took one out of the bottle, poured water into a cup and dissolved it. I slowly pushed my hand under her head to raise it up so she could drink the water and pill mixture. Being this close to her, I could notice the intricacy of her angelic face. I smiled a little, I don’t know why, but I did. I set her head down and wringed the towel as I took it out from the warm water. I placed it on her forehead and like a surgeon finishing an operation, I stepped back slowly. My hands shaking in nervousness. “I hope she’s alright” were the words that kept racing through my mind, and my heart. I looked at Orion. 

“Thank you”, I  mumbled.

“Why’re you thanking me, I saw her in the woods and blockhead like me didn’t know what to do, but you did. You might have just saved a life”. Orion responded with sincerity. 

It was getting late and Orio needed to go back now. I walked him to the front door and just before he left, he said.

“Don’t try anything funny with her”. He warned, looking at me with impish eyes. He burst into a warm chuckle afterwards.

“Yes sir” I replied as we both laughed. 

I shut the door, walked over the couch opposite her and sat down. I just stared at her, I dont know how long, but I just…. stared. There was something off about her. I could feel it but I just didn’t know what it was. Mom was going to be home soon. She’d know what next to do. I sighed and reclined into the chair, my gaze still on her but before I knew it I fell asleep.

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