Chapter one hundred and fifty five

As they walked, Rhys couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder at the power of the elixir. Finally, they arrived at the clearing where Elena lay. Rhys’s heart ached as he saw her, her body still and lifeless but he knew that he had the power to change that. He had the elixir.

Rhys, still reeling from the pain of splitting his soul, watched in awe as Rio poured the elixir into Elena’s mouth. The elixir coursed through Elena’s body, seeking out the damage that had been done to her soul. It found the dark energy that had consumed her, and it began to push it back.

Slowly but surely, the dark energy began to recede, and Elena’s soul began to heal. Her body began to stir, and before her eyes flickered open, Rhys transported them out of the space. He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw Elena’s eyes open. He knew that she was going to be okay, that the elixir had saved her.

As Elena sat up, Rhys could see the change in her. Her eyes were bright and clear, and her skin was no longer
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