Chapter one hundred and twenty

In a different location, the Shadows Organization . A group of assassins gathered around a large table, their eyes fixed on the plans spread out before them. They were a team of skilled professionals, each with their own unique talents and expertise and they had been hired to steal a valuable artifact, one that was said to be worth a small fortune.

“Alright, let’s go over the plan one more time,” said the leader of the group, a tall, imposing figure with a scar above his left eyebrow. “We’ll be going in through the east wing, avoiding the main security cameras. Once we’re inside, we’ll make our way to the display case and extract the artifact.”

“Sounds simple enough,” said one of the assassins, a petite woman with a mischievous grin. “But what about the guards? We can’t just walk in there without being noticed.”

“That’s where our inside man comes in,” said the leader. “He’ll be disabling the security cameras and alarms, giving us a clear path to the artifact.”

“And what about the art
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