"Who's this?" Lucius didn't understand at all why someone suddenly claimed to be watching him.Wait. Is Lucius hallucinating now?"Don't worry, don't suddenly look worried like that!" The man who had appeared from behind Kaylee was joking.Lucius immediately frowned, astonished. Even though this stranger was friendly to him, for some reason Lucius couldn't trust him right away."How can I not worry?" Lucius asked back. Finally Lucius turned his gaze to Kaylee, then took his girlfriend's hand. "Come here, I need to talk to you. Just the two of you."Kaylee was suddenly surprised because Lucius immediately pulled her hand. Kaylee's body staggered forward, entered Lucius' room, then Lucius closed his bedroom door. Even though Kaylee didn't have time to give any sign to the man standing in front of Lucius' room."Lucius!" Kaylee hissed as she was pulled against the wall, then cornered by Lucius. "Hey, what are you doing?!""What do you mean?" Lucius asked Kaylee. "I'm not giving you permi
Lucius always didn't like it when other people found out about his business.When Kaylee almost cornered him with that intimidating stare, Lucius could not control himself. But luckily Lucius was able to immediately wake up and shift Kaylee's body that was blocking him.Before walking past Kaylee, Lucius whispered, "There aren't any secrets. You don't need to be curious about that."Kaylee frowned after hearing Lucius' answer. While Lucius stepped towards the food brought by Kaylee, Kaylee only watched with narrowed eyes."What made him look panicked earlier?" muttered Kaylee very quietly.Kaylee glanced silently at Lucius' table. There was a man-made box where Lucius put some papers. For a few seconds, Kaylee was watching very seriously and guessing. But because she suddenly felt she didn't want to think about it too much, Kaylee decided she didn't want to care."So, exactly why are you watching me?" asked Lucius who was already sitting on the edge of the bed, watching Daneed curious
Lucius was so bored.He didn't expect that when all the players were on a break for the next quest, the system inside their heads would be deactivated. Even though Lucius intended to re-read whatever was written in the system to better understand. However, every time Lucius waved his hand for the system's blue screen to appear, his efforts were wasted.Lucius let out a rough sigh. Right now, Lucius was walking down the hall of the dormitory. The atmosphere was very quiet because it was already entering bedtime.Lucius deliberately didn't invite Kaylee after what happened a while ago, when Kaylee asked Daneed. As a result, Lucius had to walk alone until he arrived at a circle area, a kind of central lobby for the room area. From this circular area, Lucius could see the second floor and so on which did form a circle.The size of the convention center's lobby was too large for Lucius who was just walking alone. Even so quiet atmosphere, Lucius could hear the sound of his own breathing. A
"I didn't expect that they also provide breakfast for the players."Don't ask Lucius how Kaylee was able to be nice to him all of a sudden. Lucius didn't know either, why Kaylee could suddenly forget yesterday's events that annoyed him.Right now, Kaylee and Lucius were in the players' special dining room. Not only Kaylee who didn't expect the players to get free meal facilities, but Lucius too.Arriving at the dining room, which was the size of an assembly hall, Lucius and Kaylee stopped for a moment. They paid attention to all the players who were walking around looking for a seat or who had just arrived."I don't know if the number of players here looks very large," Kaylee said commenting on the sight in front of her.Lucius nodded his head. Whether it was because he didn't pay much attention to the players when he first came here or there were indeed more players than he expected, Lucius watched the crowd of players in awe."Then where shall we sit?""Why don't you guys sit with m
The most accursed darkness comes. The accursed darkness that will control the soul, inviting destruction, threatens the land and the holy land.Four hundred years ago, the prophecy was found recorded in the book of the Witches of the Country of Amaphera—a book that recorded the magic, power, torture, and everything that happened to witches in every age. But that ancient book had been abandoned and no one believed.The kingdoms of all clans in Amaphera Country are experiencing developments. They abandoned faith in the ancient scriptures, deeming it impossible for the dark forces to return, instead placing their faith in the enemies of the seven most powerful mages of the Country of Amaphera and the orb of Agyss' power.The seven witches hand-picked by the gods, and their supreme-level Agyss orb power passed down for generations destroyed the dark forces five hundred years ago.Unfortunately, the prediction came true."Maviolus peviatto!"A howl of pain rang out from a Malfos right afte
Seiring langkah sosok siluet itu menuju titik keberadaan enam penyihir, kabut-kabut ungu kehitaman membuat makhluk hidup di sekelilingnya layu. Mati hanya dalam hitungan detik. Hutan yang sudah hampir mati tak bernyawa, kini semakin menjadi hitam pekat. Pepohonan seketika membengkok karena ranting-rantingnya tidak bernyawa. Akar-akarnya seakan kaku, makhluk-makhluk melolong kesakitan sebab jiwa mereka dicabut paksa. Tanda-tanda seperti ini… keenam penyihir sudah bisa mengetahui siapa yang datang. "Sang Bayang Hitam," lirih Narvi, memandang khawatir sosok siluet yang disembunyikan kabut pekat. Aslyn menggeram kesal. Dia menjulurkan Agyss merah miliknya ke arah sosok siluet itu. "Mavesto Ila—ah!" Aslyn langsung terlempar ke samping, menghantam batang pohon besar yang sudah mati. "Aslyn!" Narvi dan Maggni berseru serempak. Aslyn mengerang memegang dadanya. Serangan sihir kabut yang tiba-tiba melesat cepat seakan menusuk dadanya. Sekuat mungkin Aslyn mencengkeram bola kekuatan Agys
(Tiga abad kemudian.)Dingin, gelap, sunyi, nyeri bagai penyiksaan menjalar ke sekujur tubuh, dan otot-otot seakan terkunci kaku.Zevana tidak mengerti apa yang dirasakannya sekarang. Telinganya berdengung kuat mendapatkan tekanan dari kedua sisi. Tak ada bagian dari tubuhnya yang bisa digerakkan.Hanya sakit. Sakit sekali—dan tak bisa dilawan meski otak Zevana sudah mengirim sinyal ke tubuhnya agar bergerak.Tubuh Zevana bergerak melayang perlahan semakin ke atas. Tidak, bukan melayang, lebih tepatnya mengapung. Rasa nyeri dari tekanan pada sekujur tubuh membuatnya kebas, dingin menusuk kulit—bahkan rasanya berkali lipat menusuk ketimbang rasa panas luka bakar melepuhkan kulit.Kedua matanya tidak bisa dibuka. Entah apa yang menggerakkan tubuhnya sekarang. Semakin mengapung naik, semakin dirinya merasakan tekanan. Dalam hening Zevana ingin menangis, tetapi otot wajahnya pun tidak bereaksi untuk membentuk ekspresi.Tak ada suara yang didengar olehnya kecuali dengung menyakitkan.Apaka
Kegelapan yang mencekam menyambut kedua mata Zevana begitu kelopak mata itu terbuka. Entah bagaimana bisa Zevana secara tiba-tiba terbangun di tengah hutan. Udara dingin jatuh menusuk pori-pori seiring Zevana bangkit posisi menjadi duduk.Butuh waktu beberapa detik bagi Zevana untuk memperhatikan sekeliling. Siluet pepohonan menjulang tinggi, siluet dedaunan yang tumbuh lebat menutup akses cahaya bulan, dan suara-suara hewan hutan sahut-bersahutan.Tunggu, ini pasti masih mimpi, elaknya dalam hati ketika agak kesulitan berdiri dari duduk. Tubuhnya bergerak sempoyongan sambil menjulurkan tangan, meraba-raba sekitar.Ini mengerikan. Tidak ada cahaya membuat pergerakan Zevana sungguh kesulitan. Zevana merasakan seluruu bulu kuduknya seketika meremang mendengar nada-nada siul burung hantu.Masalahnya, Zevana tidak bisa melihat wujud burung hantu itu. Netra Zevana hanya menangkap siluet-siluet sekitar."Cahaya, di mana ca—" kalimat Zevana seketika terhenti setelah sepasang matanya menemuka