I tried to think of how best to kill myself.

The first way that came to mind was picking up a shard of the mirror and using it to cut my wrist, until the edge rubbed uselessly against the matte black metal without so much as a scratch.

Looking for another way, I tried to pull the body apart, but it was as solid as a human body, if not even more. There was only the dull clunk of the metal as I hit it against the floor, before it cracked the place where I hit.

All my efforts proved abortive and I could only sit down and cry, considering myself dead. Exhaustion made me lie down, until the door of the room was open, and Doctor King walked in.

“I'm not sure if you like your new body, after all.” He said after watching me, and I looked at his face, checking to see if it had turned back to the one I met when I died, to Hades’ face. It was also the same one that I had seen when he waved his hand over his face before the operation, and I now wondered if I'd only been hallucinating.

“No. I don't.” I replied, looking away.

“So you would rather have me kill you and use somebody else in your place, then?”


“You must know that no amount of pleading from Zeus will make me kill you. I gave you your life back twice already, and I refuse to go back this time.”

I jerked up and rose to my feet — the metallic feet, and Doctor King's face had once again become Hades’ face, like it had become before the operation, when he snapped his finger and I went unconscious.

“It's you… it's been you all along.”

He smiled, and the look on his face was one of mischief. “Life is precious, my friend, and I cannot make the mistake of making you think that you could have it so easily, that you could beg and return to living at any time you wish. Even now, I cannot give you the death you wish for.”

“Why?” I half yelled, getting annoyed.

“Because you asked to live and get revenge, and when I gave my conditions, you accepted them. I said it before, life is precious, and you cannot go from dying to living at any time you like. It is I who makes that decision.”

“I will kill myself.” I threatened, “and you will do nothing about it.”

“Aren't you humans all the same?” He hissed, rolling his eyes. “You beg me once and go on to undermine my power at the next meeting. I am the God of Death and the Underworld, and it is my place to say if you will die or not. Even Zeus and Alexandros begged me before I gave your life back, and if I say you will not die, then you will not.”

I instantly saw my mistake. “Allow me to die, please, I beg of you. Don't permit me to live like this. I would rather die than continue to be only half a man.”

“We have agreed, Alex. I promised to return your soul, on the condition that you will not be fully human, and I was merciful enough to offer you a way to find yourself by fighting in the wars that will be brought upon the world. I also promised you that a guide shall be given to you to show you the way you must go, and that when you find the beginning, you will find the end, and when you break the seal, you will find yourself. You will not die until you have done all of that.”

“You have tricked me.” I cried, broken. “You did not tell me the implications of all that we said. You did not tell me what not being fully human would be, and did not tell me that there was no going back.”

“Now you know,” he chuckled under his breath. “You will not die until you have your human body back, and there is only way for you to do that.”

“What must I do?”

“Follow the guide that comes to you,” He answered, starting to fade away.

“I'll ask for only one more thing…” I interjected, and he stopped, looking at me. I felt relieved that he actually heard this once, and hoped it wasn't another trick.

“And what is it?”

“A mask… for the burnt half of my face. I want it covered all the time.”

“Don’t you ask for too much, mortal?”

“Just this one. Please, I beg of you.”

“Consider it done.” He replied, his voice fading away into the distance.

I watched helplessly as he disappeared, leaving me alone in the room, and I lay on the floor where I had been for long, bemoaning my fate. It was when I stood up hours later that I found the mask I asked for lying on the bed I woke up on.

With shaky hands, I picked it up and looked at it. It was just as black as the rest of my metallic body, and had the same feel of steel. Slowly, I wore it on my face, and even though there was no mirror, it felt to me like a perfect fit, one to always leave that unburnt part of me so I would never forget who I was before that night.

I let it adjust itself to my face, and a voice startled me. Goosebumps stood on the human skin I had left, while my metallic body felt nothing.

“Hello, Alex, and welcome.” It spoke.

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