I removed my hand from my eyes to see who it was, and when I did, I fell to my knees before this woman, my head bowed low.

“Stand up, mortal, and look at me.” I heard her say.

I raised my head to look, and her very appearance made me want to remain at her feet forever, simply kneeling and taking in the beauty that was hers. There are hardly words for me to describe this surreal beauty, as even subjecting such beauty to something as shallow as words feels like a grave sin to me.

Her white skin shone like light, and her golden hair was like a crown upon her head. Her eyes were the same colour as her hair and seemed to show that she was one of exceeding wisdom, and her lips were redder than cherry. She wore a garment made of snow white fur, knotted at the joint of her smooth white shoulder, and which fell down to her knees. In her hand was a bow and an arrow, the both of them, golden and tastefully designed.

Bowing before her brought the last two lines of the riddle to my memory:

‘Know t
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