Penderitaan Dalam Sangkar"Manusia mengatakan waktu adalah pedang. Apakah bisa kugenggam pedang itu untuk menikam hati busuk manusia-manusia?"***Bulan ini masuk musim hujan. Sebagian orang menyukai, sebagian orang membenci. Bulan di mana tak lama lagi akan ada berita-berita bertebaran tentang sejumlah titik wilayah digenangi air. Atau bulan di mana orang-orang meningkatkan intensitas merutuk.Termasuk Aga."Aish, sial, basah semua sepatuku!"Ya. Ini sudah minggu ketiga selama bulan musim hujan berlangsung. Namun bukan berarti Aga ingat membawa sepatu cadangan—atau minimal memakai sandal ketimbang mengenakan sepatu.Bodoh, ya? Sebut saja begitu. Toh, Aga sudah terbiasa dengan sebutan bodoh, pecundang, pemimpi yang payah, atau semacamnya.Aga memutuskan berhenti di depan sebuah bangunan ramping bertingkat dua. Suasana sekeliling tampak ramai. Roda-roda kendaraan melewati genangan air sehingga cipratan air sedikit kurangnya mengenai Aga.Beruntung jarak trotoar depan bangunan-bangunan toko ini agak melebar. Jaraknya dari jalan raya cukup membuat Aga setidaknya tidak basah kuyup seluruh tubuh.Aga memeriksa keadaan sepatunya. Tampak warnanya telah lusuh dan lem perekat pinggir sepatu lepas. Kalau Aga mengangkat sisi kanan kakinya, nyaris terlihat kaus kaki hitam berlubang itu. Melihat kondisi itu membuat Aga meringis otomatis.Memalukan.Bagaimana orang-orang tidak mengatakan dirinya sebagai orang payah dan bodoh? Penampilannya saja kumel tak terawat seperti ini."Kamu benar-benar orang yang pantas ditertawakan, Aga," ujar Aga kepada dirinya sendiri, lalu mengangkat wajah. Siapa yang sudi menatap sepatu lusuh memalukan ini?Di pinggir trotoar, berteduh di bawah kanopi bangunan, Aga melipat kedua tangan. Dia memejamkan kedua mata seraya mencoba merasakan atmosfer sekitar. Ingin mengetahui apa yang dimaksud para perenung yang mengatakan bahwa:'Di antara rerintik hujan yang turun, kau akan merasakan kerinduan menikam hatimu. Pesan-pesan dari masa lalu mengetuk pintu kenangan…'Aga lupa bagaimana kelanjutan kalimat salah satu dari mereka yang sempat ditanyainya. Tentang kenapa orang itu senang sekali merenung dan memandangi hujan.Sayang sekali, Aga tidak merasakan apa yang ada dalam kalimat itu. Kerinduan dan masa lalu? Omong kosong. Apa yang Aga rindukan dari masa lalu?Ketika dirinya yang berusia tujuh tahun bersama sang ibu diusir dari kontrakan karena menunggak sewa selama empat bulan?Atau ketika ayahnya—yang gemar menampar ibunya—membawa perempuan lain yang lebih seksi ke rumah dan menalak ibunya?Atau di saat dirinya dikucilkan dari sosial karena ada seseorang bertahta tinggi sehingga menyebarkan rumor buruk tentang dirinya?"Aga, Aga. Kamu selama ini hidup dalam sangkar penderitaan," gumam Aga setelah bayangan-bayangan rekaman masa lalu terputar di kepalanya.Dadanya tiba-tiba berdenyut nyeri. Aga merasakan sesuatu seakan menyentak hati, membuatnya sempat terhenyak sekilas. Seperti duri kecil yang mendadak ditusukkan ke kulitnya, dan menciptakan lubang yang tidak dalam. Namun lubang itu membuatnya terkejut dan teringat—tubuhnya berlumur luka dan kepura-puraan lupa.Aga pikir semua kenangan itu sudah tidak akan mempengaruhinya lagi. Dia sudah berusia dua puluh dua tahun sekarang. Yang artinya kenangan-kenangan mimpi buruk itu telah terlewati lebih dari sepuluh tahun.Namun Aga lupa: dia hanya berpura-pura lupa.Tidak ada luka yang benar-benar ditambal waktu dengan sempurna. Selalu menyisakan sisa, dan sisa itulah kesialan yang abadi."Hei, Anak Muda. Apa kamu tidak kedinginan?"Suara seseorang dari samping cukup mengejutkan Aga.Begitu Aga membuka mata dengan tampang terkejut, sepasang matanya dipertemukan sepasang mata malas milik pria dengan rambut agak gondrong. Disebut malas sebab memang tatapannya lesu, menatap manusia lain sangat tidak antusias. Ada sepuntung rokok pada sudut kanan bibirnya."Aku melihatmu berdiri di sini sejak tadi," lanjut pria itu, datar.Aga sempat mengerjap sesaat. Mencerna situasi dengan tampang bodohnya. Butuh beberapa detik bagi otak Aga menemukan jawaban."Tidak, terima kasih." Ya, menolak. Jelas jawaban yang tepat.Pria di samping, yang tadinya hanya memunculkan kepala dari balik dinding pintu masuk, sekarang berdiri di ambang pintu. Menyandarkan tubuh sisi kiri pada pinggir ambang pintu ini."Apa kau tidak kedinginan?" Pria itu menggedikkan dagu ke arah hujan. "Hujan sangat lebat. Lihat anginnya.""Hidupku, orang-orang di dalamnya, dan hatiku sendiri sudah dingin," balas Aga yang entah kenapa terceplos begitu saja.Tawa sinis pria di samping Aga terdengar. "Bahasamu terkesan filosofis sekali. Tidak usah berpura-pura padahal pelukan lenganmu semakin kuat. Masuk saja ke dalam studioku ini."Tanpa basa-basi lagi, pria itu sudah memutar badan untuk masuk ke dalam. Aga menolehkan kepala dan mengerutkan kening. Pria itu sudah menghilang padahal dirinya belum sempat memberikan jawaban.Aga menghembuskan napas kasar, sempat tidak mau menggubris. Namun terdengar suara tak jauh berasal dari dalam."Hei, Anak Muda! Cepat masuk! Aku tidak mau kakimu tenggelam dalam sepatumu!"Kepala Aga langsung menunduk, melihat sepatunya sendiri. Benar saja. Ia baru menyadari kalau air masuk melalui celah-celah terbuka dari lem perekat pinggir sepatu yang terlepas. Aga langsung terbelalak panik."Apa aku masuk saja?" tanya Aga kepada dirinya.Mau bagaimana lagi?Dengan sangat terpaksa Aga memutar balik badan dan berlari kecil memasuki bangunan. Menutup pintu, lalu mendekati si pria gondrong tadi yang sedang mengobrak-abrik lemari. Entah mencari apa."Sepatuku basah. Apa tidak masalah kalau masuk ke dalam?" Aga bertanya dengan ragu-ragu kepada si pria.Si pria tertawa kecil. Tidak ada nada sinis seperti tadi. "Kau bilang hatimu dingin, tapi sekarang bertanya begitu," katanya, lalu mengeluarkan sepasang sandal. Dilemparkan pelan sandal itu ke arah kaki Aga. "Nih, pakai. Sepatumu bisa kau keringkan dekat kipas angin. Bisa, 'kan?"Aga menuruti apa yang dikatakan si pria gondrong. Bukan karena ia hanya iya-iya saja dengan orang lain, melainkan karena Aga terdesak. Tidak butuh waktu lama bagi Aga mengeluarkan air dalam sepatunya di kamar mandi studio, lalu menyusul si pria gondrong yang mengajaknya ke lantai dua.Di lantai dua, Aga terperangah melihat suasana sekeliling. Bangunan lantai dua memang tidak luas. Hanya ada dua ruangan berdampingan dengan pembatas kaca yang membuat isi ruangan bisa terlihat dari luar. Sementara ruangan terbuka yang berfungsi untuk santai-santai terdapat sofa membentuk U. Ada sebuah kulkas dan dispenser mengisi.Aga memperhatikan ruangan pertama, berisi alat-alat penyiaran radio. Berjalan sedikit ke depan, ruangan kedua berisi lemari-lemari loker dan meja diskusi di pertengahan. Ada meja dekat dinding sisi kanan dan di atasnya alat pemutar piring hitam."Tempat macam apa ini?" tanya Aga spontan.Aga dibawa oleh si pria gondrong ke ruangan yang isinya alat-alat penyiaran. Langkah Aga ikut-ikut saja karena masih bingung."Kamu bilang hidup dan orang-orang di dalamnya dingin. Mau dengar sesuatu yang membuatmu merasa hangat?"Dahi Aga berkerut. Si Pria gondrong mengisyaratkan agar dia duduk di depan komputer beserta seperangkat audio mixer. Tak lupa headphone diangkat dari mikrofon dan dipasangkan ke kepala Aga.Sebelum dipasangkan, si pria gondrong sempat berujar, "Ini jam segmen hening. Di mana kamu mendengarkan cerita yang dititipkan orang-orang, sudah dipilih secara random, dan ini sama sekali tidak disiarkan."Aga terdiam. Si pria gondrong sekilas tampak meng-klik salah satu file rekaman dari komputer."Selamat mendengarkan, Aga."Rekaman menyala. Garis-garis seperti detak nadi mulai bergerak pada layar komputer. Selama sepersekian detik hanya ada hening. Aga memegang kedua headphone di kedua telinganya, menunggu apa yang akan terdengar.Lalu hening berubah menjadi seperti suara sambungan terputus-putus.Seseorang membuang napas berat. Aga dapat merasakan kesesakan pada napasnya itu. Setelah itu suara yang ingin terucapkan namun hanya sepatah kata. Tenggorokan seseorang dalam rekaman ini tercekat.Atmosfer mulai berubah. Bulu kuduk Aga meremang. Namun Aga menahan diri, meneguk ludah.Tak lama mulai bermain rekaman yang diputar si pria gondrong itu."A… aku melihat mereka, m-monster-monster itu, seperti mimpi buruk yang berdiam di sudut-sudut dinding kamarku. Aku sering bertanya-tanya, apakah hidup memang seperti ini? Hidup adalah kesialan yang abadi?Jika memang begitu, andai aku tidak diberikan usia panjang—tapi aku sangat berharap begitu, aku mau mereka… aku mau mereka tidak bisa tertawa atau menari. Setidaknya tidak tertawa di atas penderitaanku. Atau menari-nari sebagai bayangan hitam yang mengikutiku sepanjang hidup.Mereka kenangan paling busuk dalam hidupku, mereka… tidak bisa kutikam mati—tapi justru akulah yang diam-diam mati. Akulah yang harus berlari mati-matian mengejar ujung waktu—yang orang-orang katakan, di sana, aku akan menemukan kebahagiaan.Tapi semua palsu. Mereka tidak tau betapa pedang yang mereka gunakan menikamku sangat dalam. Merobek kekokohanku, dan kini aku jatuh, tapi mereka sedang tertawa senang."Aga tertegun selama beberapa saat. Entah apa yang baru saja terputar di telinganya. Namun hati Aga seakan ditikam kuat duri-duri tajam. Tak ada apa pun yang bisa dikatakan bibirnya.Hanya ada satu hal."Ini apa?" tanya Aga, nada bicaranya terkesan mendesak."Rekaman," jawab Si Pria Gondrong begitu santai."Aku tau," Aga kesal, "tapi rekaman apa ini? Mengapa kau memberikan padaku?"Si Pria Gondrong tidak langsung menjawab. Gelagatnya begitu aneh bagi Aga. Matanya yang sayu dan redup—sungguh seperti sudah begitu muak dengan sesuatu—memandang Aga, cukup lama.Seakan mencari sesuatu, atau mungkin sedang berusaha menghipnotis?!"Aku sudah katakan. Rekaman yang bisa membuatmu merasa hangat."Aga mendecih seraya membuang muka. Ia menunggu dan menahan diri dengan tatapan memuakkan itu hanya untuk mendapatkan jawaban tidak berguna?Dengan kesal Aga melepaskan headphone-nya, meletakkan di tempat semula. Agak membanting."Hangat, apanya," cibir Aga. "Kau mau membuatku mendengarkan rekaman seseorang sedang menderita?"Si Pria Gondrong berdiri dari duduk. Aga pikir pria itu hendak menerjang dan menghajar dirinya karena merasa tersinggung. Namun yang terjadi justru pria itu berjalan ke arah berlawanan. Tepatnya menuju gantungan jaket dan sweater.Disambar salah satu jaket sebelum membalikkan badan. Sambil memakai jaket, pria itu berkata kepada Aga, "Bukannya kalau kau sedang menderita, kau butuh seseorang lain yang juga merasakan hal sama."Dengan begitu, kau bisa mendapatkan kehangatan, 'kan? Kau tidak merasa hanya kau sendiri yang menderita."Aga sama sekali tidak mengerti jawaban itu.Tidak, koreksi, Aga tidak mengerti sejak awal Si Pria Gondrong berkata apa. Menurut Aga, orang ini bicara melantur.Apa yang biasanya orang katakan? Ah, iya, sok filosofis."Maksudku, aku mau menunjukkan padamu ada orang lain yang menderita, Bodoh.""A-apa?" Tidak, Aga tidak gugup karena takut, melainkan terkejut.Bodoh, katanya?!Tanpa rasa bersalah Si Pria Gondrong berjalan melewati Aga. Dia menyambar kunci kendaraan yang diletakkan di meja lain."Ikut aku. Berdiam diri di dalam ruangan tidak akan membuat sudut pandangmu meluas."Aga tidak tahu apa-apa. Namun saat tangannya ditarik begitu saja oleh Si Pria Gondrong, Aga memahami satu hal.Mungkin hidupnya akan lebih tidak jelas setelah ini dibandingkan sebelumnya.Related Chapters
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 1: Curse Prediction That Happened
The most accursed darkness comes. The accursed darkness that will control the soul, inviting destruction, threatens the land and the holy land.Four hundred years ago, the prophecy was found recorded in the book of the Witches of the Country of Amaphera—a book that recorded the magic, power, torture, and everything that happened to witches in every age. But that ancient book had been abandoned and no one believed.The kingdoms of all clans in Amaphera Country are experiencing developments. They abandoned faith in the ancient scriptures, deeming it impossible for the dark forces to return, instead placing their faith in the enemies of the seven most powerful mages of the Country of Amaphera and the orb of Agyss' power.The seven witches hand-picked by the gods, and their supreme-level Agyss orb power passed down for generations destroyed the dark forces five hundred years ago.Unfortunately, the prediction came true."Maviolus peviatto!"A howl of pain rang out from a Malfos right afte
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 2: A Traitor & The Beginning of Downfall
As the silhouettes stepped towards the six witches' point of presence, the purple-black mists made the living things around it wither. Turns off in seconds. The forest that had almost died lifeless, was now getting pitch black.The trees instantly bent because their branches were lifeless. The roots seemed to stiffen, the creatures howled in pain as their souls were forcibly ripped out.Signs like this … the six witches could already tell who was coming."The Black Shadow," whispered Narvi, looking worriedly at the silhouette hidden by the dense fog.Aslyn growled in annoyance. She extended her red Agyss towards the silhouetted figure."Mavesto Ila—ah!" Aslyn was instantly knocked aside, hitting the trunk of a large, dead tree."Aslyn!" Narvi and Maggni shouted in unison.Aslyn groaned holding her chest. The mist magic attack that suddenly shot fast seemed to stab his chest. As tightly as possible Aslyn gripped her ball of Agyss power to get it out of her hands.Furious with annoyance
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 3: A New Life, Where Is It?
(Three centuries later.)Cold, dark, silent, torture-like pain radiated through the body, and the muscles seemed to be locked rigidly.Niff did not understand what he felt now. His ears were ringing loudly from pressure from both sides. There was no part of his body that could be moved.Just sick. It hurts so much—and it can't be resisted even though Niff's brain has already sent signals to his body to move.Niff's body floated slowly higher and higher. No, it's not floating, more precisely floating. The pain from the pressure on his whole body made him numb, cold to the skin—in fact, it felt many times more stabbing than the hot feeling of a burn blistering the skin.Both eyes could not be opened. I don't know what moved his body now. The more it floats up, the more pressure it feels on it. In silence Niff wanted to cry, but his facial muscles didn't even react to form an expression.He heard no sound except for a painful hum.Is this the death that is told from the tales of ancient
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 4: Why Does That Nightmare Felt So Real?
A gripping darkness greeted Niff's eyes as soon as the eyelids opened. Somehow Niff suddenly woke up in the middle of the forest. Cold air fell piercing the pores as Nif rose to a sitting position.It took a few seconds for Niff to pay attention to his surroundings. The silhouettes of the trees soar high, the silhouettes of the leaves that grow thickly blocking access to the moonlight, and the sounds of forest animals are calling out.'Wait, this must still be a dream,' he avoided it in his heart when it was a bit difficult to stand up from sitting. His body staggered while reaching out his hands, groping around.It's terrible. There was no light making Niff's movement really difficult. Njff felt all the hairs on his neck when he heard the owl's whistling.The problem is, Niff can't see the owl's form. Niff's eyes only caught the silhouettes around."Light, where ca—" Niff's sentence suddenly stopped after a pair of eyes found the light of a light bulb-shaped object.Niff immediately
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 5: Mysterious Whisper of A Spell
Damn. Niff couldn't close his eyes in peace at all.The nightmare that came to him a while ago still resonated. Let's say Niff is overdoing it because, instead of thinking about the wind and then the dream, he actually thinks about it very hard.Damn it. The woman's shadow among the fog that covered her whole body made Niff felt uncomfortable. For some reason Niff felt like he was familiar with that woman.It's a kind of feeling when he meets someone, then meets again the umpteenth time. But Niff could not remember. Since when did he know or meet this creepy woman?"Argggh!" Niff rubbed the right side of his head, frustrated. "Why can't I remember anything? And... what name did that woman call?"Right. There is a name called the misty woman in his dream: Niff.Is that his name?In fact, Niff himself was not sure. Although on the other hand, if you think back on it, Niff couldn't find anyone but himself who was dealing with the misty woman in his dreams."Have I and that woman really m
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 6: Cruel Side of Arres
"AISH…."The sky is getting darker. There was only the sound of a disembodied owl mixed with the gasping for breath. No more chasing after the damn troops who don't know where to come from.This is where Niff and Arres get stuck. Focusing only on running away from the damn troops, the two of them had not realized that they had entered a deeper part of the forest.They did manage to escape. Too bad they don't know where they are now."You asked me to run without thinking we'd get stuck!" Arres rebuked Niff.Of course Niff didn't accept it.Niff's body immediately straightened—after bending down holding both knees. Niff looked at Arres with disapproval."Hey. I saved you from their pursuit," said Zevanna, who defended herself. "Why are you acting so annoying?"Who is to be blamed?This Arres sucks anyway. It was lucky that Niff had grabbed his hand so they could run away together. Niff was also the one who took the initiative to use Agyss's ball which Arres was unemployed for.Even thou
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 7: Unexpectedly Attack of Two Wolves
"So you think I can't be a good royal wizard because you think I'm stupid?"Niff asked, replying to what Arres said a while ago.In fact, Niff could have immediately replied when Arres said he was stupid, unable to do anything, and careless. But Niff prefers to try to calm down, following Arres until they have entered the forest deeper.Niff's irritation would risk making him want to punch Arres.If it weren't for Arres who treated him earlier, Niff wouldn't hesitate to throw a fist. The problem was, aside from Arres having treated him earlier, he didn't have that much strength to punch."Indeed," answered Arres who was two steps ahead of Niff. "Are you not aware?"Niff chuckled. Then laughed crookedly sarcastically. "How could you say I'm like that. Even though I was the one who saved you from being chased by the damn troops.""It was just luck. If we weren't lucky, we wouldn't have survived.""Your luck is due to my ingenuity," replied Niff not wanting to be outdone. "You know there
The Reincarnation of Glory Witch Chapter 8: Suspicious Grey Wolf
How can Niff leave Arres in peace?Niff slowed down his running pace when he arrived at the incline towards the Zelf cliff hill. He was out of breath after he had been running in fear that a wolf would follow him from behind to haunt him.Throughout running towards Zelf's cliff, Niff couldn't get rid of the thought of how Arres was. He remembered the shape of the two wolves that had attacked the two of them earlier: big, stout, nearly two meters tall, with thick hair that covered the whole body.Niff got goosebumps remembering the shape of the bodies of the two wolves that had blocked the distance between him and Arres.Why was Arres so stupid as to give himself up to distract the two great wolves? Is there any guarantee that Arres will win and survive?'Damn! Now I can't feeling calm because I think about Arres situation!'Niff put her hands on her waist. In silence, he caught his breath as he looked around.Silent atmosphere. Looks like Niff has entered the forest area deeper. The s
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Chapter 11: Does That Fantasy World Exist?
KISAH REKAMAN PERTAMA: Penderitaan Dalam Sangkar"Manusia mengatakan waktu adalah pedang. Apakah bisa kugenggam pedang itu untuk menikam hati busuk manusia-manusia?" ***Bulan ini masuk musim hujan. Sebagian orang menyukai, sebagian orang membenci. Bulan di mana tak lama lagi akan ada berita-berita bertebaran tentang sejumlah titik wilayah digenangi air. Atau bulan di mana orang-orang meningkatkan intensitas merutuk. Termasuk Aga. "Aish, sial, basah semua sepatuku!" Ya. Ini sudah minggu ketiga selama bulan musim hujan berlangsung. Namun bukan berarti Aga ingat membawa sepatu cadangan—atau minimal memakai sandal ketimbang mengenakan sepatu. Bodoh, ya? Sebut saja begitu. Toh, Aga sudah terbiasa dengan sebutan bodoh, pecundang, pemimpi yang payah, atau semacamnya. Aga memutuskan berhenti di depan sebuah bangunan ramping bertingkat dua. Suasana sekeliling tampak ramai. Roda-roda kendaraan melewati genangan air sehingga cipratan air sedikit kurangnya mengenai Aga. Beruntung j
Chapter 10: A Secret About Fantasy World That Does Exist
"I still don't understand. Arres, you didn't say anything about yourself."In the living room of this log cabin, Niff was hanging out with John and Arres. The other kids were fast asleep because the clock was striking midnight—and John had told them not to sleep past ten at night.Silence. Arres, having been treated with both medicine and the spell of John's Agyss ball for the gunshot wound, couldn't say a word. He reluctantly looked at John who demanded an explanation through his sharp and curious eyes.Niff watched John and Arres in turn. Just like Arres, there was nothing Niff could do.Why did John look a little hideous when he stood up, put his hands on his hips, and looked at Arres in annoyance?"Arres," John called again.The middle-aged man whose hair was mostly white approached Arres. He stood next to the sofa, then slightly bent his body and watched Arres's face closely."Did you start feeling the symptoms of your transformation long ago?" John asked Arres.Arres looked at J
Chapter 9: So, There Is Wolf Between Us?
Niff's two eyes and the gray wolf's two eyes locked eyes.For a split second, a thought crept into Niff"s head: that necklace... does it belong to Arres? Did Arres not make it until the necklace was on the gray wolf's neck?Wait.There is still a feeling of propping up in Niff's heart. There was no way a wolf could take the necklace off Arres' neck just to put it on him. Or, it's also impossible, if Arres really didn't survive, he took off his necklace and put it on the neck of one of the wolves that attacked him.What for?Wolves are not human unless...'GRRAAA!'Niff's body jerked because the gray wolf suddenly threw the black wolf's body. The bite slipped away, and it seemed that the black wolf was dead.Niff shifted his gaze from the black wolf to the gray wolf. The gray wolf's gaze didn't care about him in the least. Instantly Niff felt a shiver of fear and panic in his body.Slowly, the gray wolf moved closer to Niff.Slow, slow, slow.Niff's body was stiff for no reason. He wat
Chapter 8: Suspicious Grey Wolf
How can Niff leave Arres in peace?Niff slowed down his running pace when he arrived at the incline towards the Zelf cliff hill. He was out of breath after he had been running in fear that a wolf would follow him from behind to haunt him.Throughout running towards Zelf's cliff, Niff couldn't get rid of the thought of how Arres was. He remembered the shape of the two wolves that had attacked the two of them earlier: big, stout, nearly two meters tall, with thick hair that covered the whole body.Niff got goosebumps remembering the shape of the bodies of the two wolves that had blocked the distance between him and Arres.Why was Arres so stupid as to give himself up to distract the two great wolves? Is there any guarantee that Arres will win and survive?'Damn! Now I can't feeling calm because I think about Arres situation!'Niff put her hands on her waist. In silence, he caught his breath as he looked around.Silent atmosphere. Looks like Niff has entered the forest area deeper. The s
Chapter 7: Unexpectedly Attack of Two Wolves
"So you think I can't be a good royal wizard because you think I'm stupid?"Niff asked, replying to what Arres said a while ago.In fact, Niff could have immediately replied when Arres said he was stupid, unable to do anything, and careless. But Niff prefers to try to calm down, following Arres until they have entered the forest deeper.Niff's irritation would risk making him want to punch Arres.If it weren't for Arres who treated him earlier, Niff wouldn't hesitate to throw a fist. The problem was, aside from Arres having treated him earlier, he didn't have that much strength to punch."Indeed," answered Arres who was two steps ahead of Niff. "Are you not aware?"Niff chuckled. Then laughed crookedly sarcastically. "How could you say I'm like that. Even though I was the one who saved you from being chased by the damn troops.""It was just luck. If we weren't lucky, we wouldn't have survived.""Your luck is due to my ingenuity," replied Niff not wanting to be outdone. "You know there
Chapter 6: Cruel Side of Arres
"AISH…."The sky is getting darker. There was only the sound of a disembodied owl mixed with the gasping for breath. No more chasing after the damn troops who don't know where to come from.This is where Niff and Arres get stuck. Focusing only on running away from the damn troops, the two of them had not realized that they had entered a deeper part of the forest.They did manage to escape. Too bad they don't know where they are now."You asked me to run without thinking we'd get stuck!" Arres rebuked Niff.Of course Niff didn't accept it.Niff's body immediately straightened—after bending down holding both knees. Niff looked at Arres with disapproval."Hey. I saved you from their pursuit," said Zevanna, who defended herself. "Why are you acting so annoying?"Who is to be blamed?This Arres sucks anyway. It was lucky that Niff had grabbed his hand so they could run away together. Niff was also the one who took the initiative to use Agyss's ball which Arres was unemployed for.Even thou
Chapter 5: Mysterious Whisper of A Spell
Damn. Niff couldn't close his eyes in peace at all.The nightmare that came to him a while ago still resonated. Let's say Niff is overdoing it because, instead of thinking about the wind and then the dream, he actually thinks about it very hard.Damn it. The woman's shadow among the fog that covered her whole body made Niff felt uncomfortable. For some reason Niff felt like he was familiar with that woman.It's a kind of feeling when he meets someone, then meets again the umpteenth time. But Niff could not remember. Since when did he know or meet this creepy woman?"Argggh!" Niff rubbed the right side of his head, frustrated. "Why can't I remember anything? And... what name did that woman call?"Right. There is a name called the misty woman in his dream: Niff.Is that his name?In fact, Niff himself was not sure. Although on the other hand, if you think back on it, Niff couldn't find anyone but himself who was dealing with the misty woman in his dreams."Have I and that woman really m
Chapter 4: Why Does That Nightmare Felt So Real?
A gripping darkness greeted Niff's eyes as soon as the eyelids opened. Somehow Niff suddenly woke up in the middle of the forest. Cold air fell piercing the pores as Nif rose to a sitting position.It took a few seconds for Niff to pay attention to his surroundings. The silhouettes of the trees soar high, the silhouettes of the leaves that grow thickly blocking access to the moonlight, and the sounds of forest animals are calling out.'Wait, this must still be a dream,' he avoided it in his heart when it was a bit difficult to stand up from sitting. His body staggered while reaching out his hands, groping around.It's terrible. There was no light making Niff's movement really difficult. Njff felt all the hairs on his neck when he heard the owl's whistling.The problem is, Niff can't see the owl's form. Niff's eyes only caught the silhouettes around."Light, where ca—" Niff's sentence suddenly stopped after a pair of eyes found the light of a light bulb-shaped object.Niff immediately
Chapter 3: A New Life, Where Is It?
(Three centuries later.)Cold, dark, silent, torture-like pain radiated through the body, and the muscles seemed to be locked rigidly.Niff did not understand what he felt now. His ears were ringing loudly from pressure from both sides. There was no part of his body that could be moved.Just sick. It hurts so much—and it can't be resisted even though Niff's brain has already sent signals to his body to move.Niff's body floated slowly higher and higher. No, it's not floating, more precisely floating. The pain from the pressure on his whole body made him numb, cold to the skin—in fact, it felt many times more stabbing than the hot feeling of a burn blistering the skin.Both eyes could not be opened. I don't know what moved his body now. The more it floats up, the more pressure it feels on it. In silence Niff wanted to cry, but his facial muscles didn't even react to form an expression.He heard no sound except for a painful hum.Is this the death that is told from the tales of ancient