Shock was evident on the faces of the bank's patrons and the workers. They thought the individual before them was merely a delivery person.

But it appears that whoever this guy was, he must be from a wealthy family.

The teller found herself in a state of panic. Seeing how the manager showed so much respect to an ordinary delivery guy! 

"Sir, may I inquire why such respect is shown to a delivery person?" she politely asked.

Receiving no response from the manager, she continued. “Sir, he is just an ordinary delivery guy who lost his way." 

Instead of a reply, the manager's hand struck her cheek hard. "Do you know who this man is?" he demanded.

With a shake of her head, she responded “No!”

The manager swiftly produced Franklin's Bank ID card and presented it to her. Upon examining the card, she was taken aback.

It belonged to a senior VVIP client with a staggering 100,000,000,000’ dollar account balance.

At first, she suspected he must have stolen it until she recognized Franklin's photo and the evidence was irrefutable. 

On the other hand, the security guard couldn't comprehend why such a wealthy individual would disguise himself as a delivery person. He slowly began to realize the potential consequences of his actions.

“What insolence. I'll transfer all my funds to another bank immediately. Your staff lacks professionalism and manners," Franklin stated calmly, his expression was unreadable.

The manager, realizing the seriousness of the situation, knelt down and began to beg Franklin. "On behalf of our establishment, I extend my deepest apologies. Please, find it in your heart to forgive us. I truly regret our actions," he pleaded earnestly. "And I promise to fire the two of them.”

As soon as they realized that their job was at stake, the teller and the security guard sank to their knees, pleading for clemency.

"Please, sir, forgive our mistake," the teller begged, her eyes filled with remorse. "We didn't realize who you were. We beg for your understanding."

The security guard, equally contrite, added, "We're truly sorry for any inconvenience caused, sir. It won't happen again. Please spare us from any repercussions."

Both of them bowed their heads, their expressions desperate as they awaited Franklin's response.

Franklin was growing tired of the ordeal. He intervened decisively. With a swift motion, he tossed his debit card towards the teller, demanding a withdrawal of 1,000,000.’ dollars! 

"Thank you, sir. We're truly grateful for your understanding," the manager exclaimed, relieved that the crisis had been resolved.

Franklin's decision to extend forgiveness brought the manager immense relief; the prospect of losing their most significant investor was unthinkable.

"I won't tolerate any more theatrics. I need the funds immediately," Franklin asserted, his tone commanding.

"Don't you understand? Do it now!" The manager snapped at the teller.

The teller hastily retrieved the card and processed the $1,000,000 withdrawal. She acted swiftly, mindful not to provoke further irritation, especially after learning Franklin Miles true identity.

"Here's your withdrawal, sir. I apologize profusely for the inconvenience," she said earnestly.

Unconcerned about the ensuing gossip, Franklin took the money and stashed it in his pocket.

The bank patrons, including the workers, were astounded by what had just happened. A wealthy individual disguised as a delivery person and driving a scooter.

Franklin quickly decided to invest in the bank by purchasing a share. This meant that whenever the bank patrons made payments or received payments through the bank, he would receive a portion of their profits.

"I'd like to buy a share in the bank," he said to the manager.

The manager smiled and nodded. "Of course, sir. I'll assist you with that right away."

The transaction was completed, and Franklin felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he was now a part-owner of the bank. "Now, whenever those that laughed at me withdraw or send money in this bank, I'll earn money too," he exclaimed.

Franklin cast a final glance at the teller and the security guard before walking out of the building. As the day waned, he knew he needed to purchase new clothes to avoid more dramas.

Immediately he left, the manager sighed heavily and turned to address the teller and the security guard who avoided meeting his gaze.

"You're fortunate this time. If it happens again, you'll be fired," the manager warned them.

“Understood, sir. It won't repeat," they assured him.

"It had better not. Now, get back to work!" With that, he retreated to his office.

"Who would've guessed that guy was loaded?" remarked one of the bank patrons.

"Yeah, it's like a new trend or something," chimed in another.

"Why the disguise though? Couldn't he just be himself?" sneered a third person.

Gradually, the murmurs died down, and the bank returned to its usual hustle and bustle—transactions, inquiries, and assistance sought at the help center.


Meanwhile, at Miles’ Empire, Mr. Russell received word from a staff member about the commotion that had happened earlier and he summoned the manager.

"Ms. Deborah, Mr. Russell requests your presence," one of the staff members informed her.

As expected, she arrived. “You sent for me Sir," Ms. Deborah announced respectfully as she entered Mr. Russell's office.

"You're aware of the purpose for this summons," Mr. Russell asked her as a matter-of-factly.

"Indeed, sir. I've taken the necessary steps as requested by the new CEO, including dismissing the junior employees. I'll arrange for a replacement promptly," she responded dutifully.

"Very well. You may go," Mr. Russell dismissed.

"Thank you, sir," Ms Deborah said gratefully.


Franklin was on his way to the biggest boutique when he was involved in an accident; fortunately, he was uninjured.

An automobile had hit his scooter, causing him to lose control and fall to the floor. He jumped up and grabbed his scooter. He examined himself to ensure he was uninjured.

He lifted his head to see who had knocked him down. He observed a man come out from the fancy automobile.

"Not again," Franklin mumbled under his breath as he prepared for more drama!

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