A prisoner

Tyler's driver pulled up to the compound, the gates swinging open with a soft creak. Tyler stepped out of the car, his long legs striding purposefully across the driveway. He walked straight to the building where Judas was being held, his eyes fixed on the door with a sense of triumph.

As he opened the door, Judas stood up immediately, his eyes locked on Tyler's face. "How did it go?" he asked, his voice low and urgent. "How did the meeting go?"

Tyler smiled, a cold and calculating smile. "It went well," he said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "You should have seen the look on your brother's face. He didn't expect me to be there today."

Judas's eyes gleamed with pleasure, a cold and ruthless glint in his eye. "I'm very happy you got him by surprise," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "He'll be thinking of a way to bring you down now. But we'll be one step ahead of him, won't we, Tyler?"

Tyler nodded, his eyes glinting with agreement. "I know you guys are the same," he sa
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