
Judas paced restlessly within the confines of his room, his mind haunted by the ghosts of his past mistakes. The weight of his regret hung heavy, a constant reminder of the lessons he'd learned the hard way.

His thoughts turned to Matthew, and a mix of concern and anxiety creased his brow. What was Matthew up to? What sinister plans did he have brewing against Tyler?

Judas's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in determination. He knew Matthew's potential for darkness, the capacity for evil that lurked within him. He couldn't bear the thought of Matthew repeating his own mistakes.

With a sense of urgency, Judas reached for his phone and dialed Matthew's number once more. The call went straight to voicemail, and Judas's disappointment deepened.

He stopped pacing, his gaze fixed on the floor as his mind raced. Matthew's silence only fueled Judas's unease. What was he hiding?

"I would never, ever support whatever it is Matthew is doing against Tyler," Judas vowed aloud, his voice firm and re
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