
Judas's face turned red with rage and pain, his eyes blazing with fury. "You'll regret this, Collins!" he snarled, his voice venomous. "You'll regret crossing me!"

Collins's smile was cold and unforgiving. "I'm shaking in my boots, Mr," he sneered. "But I'll never regret protecting Raven from scum like you."

Raven's eyes filled with tears, her voice pleading. "Collins, please! Let him go! This isn't worth it!"

But Collins's grip only tightened, his eyes never leaving Judas's face. "You can't hurt my bad and expect me to just find my hands and watch. "You deserve more than I did to you."

Judas's eyes flashed with anger, his face twisted in a snarl. "You'll pay for this, Collins!" he spat, his voice dripping with malice. "You'll pay for humiliating me!"

With a sudden jerk, Collins released Judas's wrist, sending him stumbling backward. Raven rushed to Collins's side, her eyes wide with fear. "Collins, please! Let's just leave! He's not worth it!"

Collins's eyes never left Judas's face,
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