5. Introduce CEO of Blue Star Line


A gathering of conglomerate investors was held tonight to celebrate the anniversary of Rachelia Lathifina Boutique. The clinking sound of wine glasses in one of the VVIP-only corners echoed. The sound of music accompanies the atmosphere in the ballroom of this luxurious hotel.

"Congratulations to you, Rachel! Your boutique has been running for fifteen years!" Zevanna, as one of the owners of a large agency as well as the boutique's investor, exclaimed.

Rachel gave a smile of formality while holding up her wine glass.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zevanna. I also just heard that your agency made a huge income from your last movie production?"

Zevanna smiled embarrassedly at Rachel's question. With a facial expression of formality, Zevanna nodded her head.

"That's right. I actually spent a lot of money on that movie, but it turned out that I got back a lot of money!" Zevanna answered enthusiastically.

Along the long table seats in the VVIP area, Zevanna sat with Rebecca and Petra. There was also Andreas with his parents. There were five other company owners and the chief financial officer of a large company.

"You are indeed a great company CEO, Mrs. Zevanna. I didn't realize that you were the one behind the agency company Reedy JYP Star Entertainment!" Rachel praised Zevanna again.

"You could be the agency that beats your agency's parent company, Mrs. Zevanna," replied Willston, one of the conglomerates that owned a financial company.

"Ah... you mean, beat Blue Star Line?" asked Zevanna, waving her hand.

After a short laugh, Zevanna continued, "Don't talk nonsense. Blue Star Line Entertainment has high revenue. That company is where the top-ranked actors, actresses, influencers, or celebrities are."

"If only we all knew who owns Blue Star Line Entertainment," Jackson, the owner of four of Europe's biggest nightclubs, said.

"Isn't Blue Star Line Entertainment also an investor in your boutique, Mrs. Rachel?" said Andreas.

All eyes immediately shifted to Rachel. Rachel was still sipping her alcoholic drink, and nodded her head.

"That's right. More precisely, the biggest investor. You know my boutique was on the verge of bankruptcy, but Blue Star Line Entertainment provided ten billion dollars in capital."

Suddenly, everyone in the VVIP area was wide-eyed with shock after hearing Rachel's words. They looked at each other in disbelief.

"Oh my, that's a lot. It's fortunate that you were able to restore the success of your boutique until it ran for fifteen years," Jackson retorted.

Rachel looked moved as she nodded again. "Yes, Blue Star Line Entertainment was very influential behind the success of my boutique. Unfortunately, I've never seen who owns the company."

"Hey, that company also helped my agency company when it was on the verge of bankruptcy," Zevanna chimed in with Rachel's words.

Petra nodded her head in agreement with Zevanna's words. As Zevanna's father, Petra remembered how chaotic Zevanna's agency company was when it almost went bankrupt due to corruption.

"You were really miserable when that happened, Zevanna," Petra replied, looking at Zevanna tearfully. "But you got through it."

"The help Blue Star Line provided was so great that it was able to lift my agency's success back up," Zevanna replied.

"Ah, I remember the buzz about your agency, Mrs. Zevanna. I even thought you wouldn't be able to pay the artists under your agency," Willston said.

"I was very frustrated," Zevanna replied approvingly.

While listening to the talk about Blue Star Line Entertainment, they all showed great curiosity. Because none of them knew who the real owner of Blue Star Line Entertainment was.

"How do we find out who owns Blue Star Line Entertainment?" asked Hendrick, Andreas' father.

Zevanna was equally curious. So were all the company officials sitting there.

"Ah, the owner never showed himself. But, I heard you invited him to this event now, Mrs. Rachel?" Andreas asked.

"Yes! I've resigned myself to inviting him for the umpteenth time, but he never comes. Let's hope he shows himself to everyone tonight," Rachel replied.

"Hey! Did you all hear that someone bought the Sky Luxury Landria building?" Jackson's voice instantly drew the attention of everyone around him.

When Jackson's question was heard, the only person who froze was Christian. The central bank manager who met Zayden, the person who bought the most expensive building.  

"Landria's Sky Luxury Building? You mean that luxury building that cost 450 billion dollars?" Zevanna asked.

Jackson nodded enthusiastically. "There was an article published about it. Unfortunately, there was no information on who bought the Sky Luxury Landria building."

"Gosh... why is everyone so happy to hide themselves?" Andreas grumbled under his breath.

Agreeing with Andreas, Petra replied, "Isn't there anyone who can buy that building?"

"Yes. I know the requirements. Anyone must pass a check through the central bank," Andreas said.

The gaze shifted to Christian who said nothing. Christian tried to mask his tense expression by continuing to eat his food. He pretended not to know that all eyes were watching him.

"Mr. Christian, why do you look so tense?" Andreas asked.

Christian turned his face, then shook his head. He felt uncomfortable at that moment. Christian remembered that the person who bought the Sky Luxury Landria building was Zayden, and he didn't want to tell any of them.

"You are the manager of the central bank in this country. Don't you know who bought that building?" Petra asked with a curious look.

Christian silently gulped down saliva, his throat feeling suddenly constricted.

"Yes, I did. But I can't tell you, I have to protect the privacy of the central bank's priority customers," said Christian.  

"Priority customer?" asked Zevanna, confused.

Before their conversation could get any more intense, Rachel's personal manager suddenly came into the VVIP area. He had an enthusiastic look on his face as if he had just witnessed something amazing.

For a few seconds the personal manager whispered to Rachel, then Rachel was wide-eyed with surprise. The same curious and enthusiastic smile as her personal manager appeared on her face.

"Are you serious?!" Rachel asked.

Her personal manager nodded his head, then he signaled to leave.

Rachel turned her gaze to everyone in the VVIP seating area.  

"The owner of Blue Star Line Entertainment is here!" Rachel said with excitement.

After saying that, Rachel quickly left the VVIP area seats to walk towards the stage. The main event of awarding and thanking the boutique's investors was about to take place.

Having said that, Rachel quickly left the VVIP area seats to walk towards the stage. The main event of honoring and thanking the boutique's investors was about to take place.

As Rachel took the stage, some of the event staff ran towards the VVIP guest lane. A sign that someone would be walking into the ballroom from that direction.  

Zevanna and the conglomerates in the VVIP area had already turned their bodies towards the VVIP lane. They all wanted to know who would enter as the owner of Blue Star Line Entertainment.

"Father, we're going to see someone who has helped give a lot of money to my agency," Zevanna told Petra.

Petra nodded his head without saying anything. His expression was very curious.

On stage, Rachel was smiling impatiently. Getting ready to welcome the owner of Blue Star Line Entertainment as her boutique's biggest investor.

"All the regular and VVIP guests who have come, I thank you for your presence..."

"Since we've all enjoyed our appetizers, we'll move on to one of the main events. That is the awarding of Rachelia Lathifina's boutique investors..."

"For the first award, I will present it to the owner of Blue Star Line Entertainment. The investment capital provided by Blue Star Line is invaluable to the success of my boutique..."

When all eyes were directed towards the door of the VVIP guest lane, within seconds, the door was opened by two event staff. From behind the door emerged the man who had been hiding his identity from everyone.

The man who walked with three personal bodyguards and a personal secretary. The cameras of the journalists present at this event enthusiastically photographed the man's face.

He is Zayden Alexander Lee. The CEO of Blue Star Line Entertainment whose identity no one knows.

Zayden steps into the ballroom with a smile of formality. Zayden's gaze met Rachel on stage who bowed in salute.

"Special appreciation to you, Mr. Zayden Alexander Lee!" Rachel said.

In the VVIP area, Zevanna immediately stood up with an incredulous look. Her whole body froze as she watched Zayden step closer to the stage.  

"How could..." Zevanna was at a loss for words.

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