Eden lets out an awful sound as she clutches her stomach and presses her hand over her mouth.

This is not what she expected to see here, she would have gladly seen a ghost or anything, but not a helpless child.

The child, being aware of her presence, can't move or sit up, she just lay there whimpering for her dear life.

Eden doesn't think twice, she descends the stairs and picks up the child in her arms.

How can a human being feel so light? She opens her huge, but weak, eyes and she tries to move her lips.

" Oh my God, are you okay?" Eden asks her. " What happened to you?"

The child is covered in bruises and dirt, Eden doesn't know what has happened to her, but it's not looking good at all.

The child slowly closes her eyes and Eden's heart stops immediately.

" Wait, don't die, please," Eden begs. " Help! Help!"

Ansel needs to see this. How did this child get into his basement?

This child can't be anything more than ten years old, but she looks so small from lack of food and h
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