After a long drive, Duke returns home.

It's kind of a relief because he is living alone, without those soldiers around to scare him anymore and it comes in quite handy now that he has his own tiny family.

He steps out of the car with the crunchies and walks to the house.

" Hello, I'm home." He announces loudly.

Melody appears from the kitchen with a spatula in her hand and an exhausted look on her face.

" Oh God, your back." She wipes sweat from her eyebrow. " Didn't know you would be back so quickly."

" I had luck on my side, I found it." He lifts it up for her to see and her face lights up in delight.

They walk towards each other and he gives it to her as she places a kiss on the side of his cheek.

That was a tease, she kisses him on his lips and he giggles, he is delighted.

" I would go out and scavenge for other crunchies if you would kiss me again."

She laughs, he is funny when he wants to be.

"Oh, I won't do that to my husband." She shakes her head. " But here is anot
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