53, The Family Meeting.

Chapter Fifty Three: The Family Meeting

The Preston mansion was shrouded in a tense silence, the kind that often preceded a storm.

The family had been summoned by Grandma Preston, a formidable matriarch whose word was law within the Preston household.

Everyone knew why they were gathered, it had to be the incident at Loretta’s premiere had caused a scandal, and heads were about to roll.

The family assembled in the grand dining room, its opulence starkly contrasting the somber mood.

Henry sat smugly at one end of the table, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

Stephany sat across from him, her face pale and drawn.

She had barely slept, tormented by the events of the previous night and the impending judgment.

Grandma Preston entered, her presence commanding immediate respect.

She took her seat at the head of the table, her piercing eyes scanning the room before settling on Stephany.

“Everyone, you know why we’re here,” she began, her voice cold and authoritative.

“What happened
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