60. Unearthing Secreta

Chapter Sixty: Unearthing Secrets

Chris crouched behind the thick foliage, his breath steady as he peered through the underbrush.

The van had pulled up to the secluded cemetery, its occupants unaware of his presence.

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the clearing, giving the place an eerie, timeless quality.

He watched as the man who had sold the amulet stepped out of the van, soon joined by a small, wiry man with sharp, calculating eyes.

Chris's heart quickened. This had to be the leader of their group.

"Bruce Lee, were you able to sell it?" the small man asked, his voice carrying an authoritative edge despite his stature.

“Hahaha.” Chris laughed and had to shut his mouth for fear of being caught.

Was Bruce Lee Really his name or was that like a nick name that the man got himself?

Bruce Lee, the man who had sold the amulet, nodded with a satisfied grin. "Yes, I was able to sell it for half a million."

The small man's eyes widened, a greedy glint flashing i
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