Deep within the recesses of Uncle Two's mind, an intense desire burned within him, one he could scarcely admit even to himself.

It was a wish, a sinister yearning, to violently dismantle Freya's world and force her to witness his merciless confrontation with Alexander.

This desire was so powerful that it coursed through his every thought, yet he refrained from acting on it.

Two primary reasons compelled Uncle Two to exercise caution. Firstly, he was unable to ascertain the true extent of Freya's abilities or her connections, leaving him in the dark regarding the potential consequences of his actions.

Secondly, an overwhelming, ominous pressure seemed to emanate from Freya herself, a formidable force that served as a stark deterrent.

Despite the fervent desire to bring Alexander to an end, Uncle Two cherished his own life, a natural instinct that whispered warnings of the grave dangers lurking should he tread recklessly on this treacherous path.

In this delicate balance between desi
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