The onslaught of attacks was directed at Alexander, but rather peculiarly, it appeared as though they merely struck an invisible barrier before vanishing into thin air.

This unexpected turn of events washed over Isabelle with a profound sense of relief, momentarily alleviating her apprehensions.

However, her newfound comfort was abruptly replaced by a more profound sense of concern as she observed Alexander, who remained motionless, with his eyes firmly shut in an unsettling manner.

"Young Master!" Isabelle cried out once more, her voice trembling with anxiety, but there was still no sign of response from him.

Notifying Lord Pluto and the rest of the group, she swiftly attempted to rush to Alexander's aid.

However, an insurmountable obstacle barred her path, a formidable and turbulent force akin to an unyielding gale, effectively halting her advance.

In a synchronized effort, both Captain Tiger and Captain Skeleton also endeavored to reach Alexander's side, but they, too, found the
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