Look the part

Alexander woke up after a long nap. He stretched on his new king-sized bed as the events of the morning came flooding to his mind. His father had instructed Thomas to arrange a room for him and Alexander was left at the sheer magnificence of the room. The walls were adorned with paintings of different varieties giving the room a splash of artistic vibe, the room was illuminated by a huge chandelier that sparkled like diamonds.

Against the wall was a massive king sized bed with a mattress as soft as the clouds, the closet was as huge as his bedroom in his former apartment, the bathroom was a thing of beauty as it had a giant bathtub, exquisite shelves with different types of expensive beauty products and a full length wall mirror. What attracted Alexander the most was the floor to ceiling windows that stretched across the wall, offering a clear view of the Knight Villa and the surrounding estate.

Alexander rose from the bed and made his way to the window looking out into the horizon. This is my new life now, Alexander thought as he stared into the distance trying to come to terms with his new status. His whole world had literally turned upside down, from being a broke debtor to returning back to a past he ran away from and co-owning some of the most expensive businesses and companies in the world. It felt unbelievable to him but he couldn’t help but feel he had signed a deal with the devil as he signed that contract but he brushed the thought off his mind quickly.

With a heavy sigh he entered the bathroom and took a long shower. After his shower, he dried his body with a towel and turned to observe his injuries from the accident.

He hadn’t sustained any serious injuries from the accident but there were some bruises on his body but they only caused him slight pain so he brushed them off and donned a luxurious white bath robe he found in the bathroom.

A knock sounded on his door catching his attention.

“Come in.” Alexander said and the door opened and Thomas entered the room.

“Good morning young master, how was your night?” Alexander greeted Alexander with a respectful bow.

“Good morning Thomas, my night was fine I guess. I still can’t wrap my head around everything that just happened to be honest.” Alexander said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“No need to be confused young master, you have simply taken what is rightfully yours.” Thomas said to Alexander.

“But I never remembered father being exceedingly wealthy, how did the old man even do it.” Alexander questioned.

“Your father has always been a business genius young master, it was only a matter of time for him to dominate the business world.” Thomas explained.

“I guess you’re right.” Alexander admitted. His father had always been an exceptional business man.

“Look alive young master, the world is at your fingertips now. I hope you will adapt accordingly; your father requires your presence.” Thomas said as he delivered Nicholas's directive.

“Thomas, I haven’t changed my mind. I will find out the real reason why my mom committed suicide and if father has a hand in what happened; I swear I won’t stop at nothing to have my revenge.” Alexander said with a wicked glint in his eyes.

“I will support you in your endeavors young master.” Thomas nodded solemnly as he excused himself and exited the room.

Alexander changed from the robe to his tattered clothes from yesterday before exiting the room. He made his way to his father’s study and took his seat, his father observed his clothes with disapproval.

“Why are you still wearing that trash? You are my heir, you should dress like one, not some beggar from the streets.” Nicholas spat out with disapproval.

Alexander rolled his eyes at his father’s taunts and just calmly stared at him.

“You requested to see me Nicholas, what do you want?” Alexander asked coolly.

Nicholas scoffed and he threw a document at Alexander.

“That’s the partnership agreement to the Knight’s Empire. From now on, you are the co-owner of the Empire, your power is second to me of course.” Nicholas stated as he watched Alexander scanning through the document.

“Are the terms to your liking my son?” Nicholas asked with an expectant look on his face.

“You really are ok with giving me this much control? Nothing’s in this for you?” Alexander eyed his father skeptically.

“The only thing in this for me is that when I die, I’ll be able to leave this Empire to my flesh and blood. That is all.” Nicholas rolled his eyes at his son’s questions.

“You still look like you’ve got a lot more years to live but sure I hear you.” Alexander continued to scan through the document and when he was satisfied he handed it to his father.

“Keep it, I have a duplicate.” Nicholas said as he handed the document back to Alexander.

“I have made you my second in my business empire and also my heir Alexander, meaning you will be in charge of managing and monitoring the progress of several businesses. This will be too much for you by yourself so I’ll employ a personal assistant for you.” Nicholas directed.

“Hold up Nicholas, I’ll be in charge of hiring my own PA. I won’t have some pawn of yours monitoring and reporting my every move to you.” Alexander interjected harshly. He knew his father too well and he wasn’t about to have someone he couldn’t trust in such a delicate position in his work

“I see you’re not so naïve anymore my son Alright then I’ll leave the hiring of your PA in your hands.” Nicholas smiled wildly when he heard Alexander.

“Next, Alexander you are a Knight and you need to look the part. Those tattered clothes you have on is a fucking eyesore, it would be a disgrace if people knew your identity and saw you in that. How much do you even have in your bank account?” Nicholas inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Alexander shrugged, he didn’t have a single cent to his name; his account was empty and he was even in enormous debt with several people.

Nicholas sighed and he gestured for Thomas to come closer and he whispered something into his ears. Thomas nodded in affirmation before rushing out of the study room. Nicholas then ignored his son and focused on some documents leaving Alexander to his thoughts.

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