Chapter 2

Life surged through Quincy, and he sat up abruptly, eyes darting wildly around the unfamiliar room. Where was he?

White walls, a sterile smell, and hundreds of wires coming out of his body—it took him a moment to realize he was in a hospital.

But how had he ended up here? For some minutes, there was just a blank… until gradually, memories of his life began to surface in disjointed flashes and sounds.

Quincy remembered leaving his family in secret, to establish his business empire… After pouring many years of hard work and determination into his work, he had ultimately become a formidable force, a billionaire whose influence was unmatched in his exploits in the business world. Quincy became so powerful and held so much influence that was the reason for the Shi family becoming nobles.

But that didn't last for a long time… He had expected his family to be happy for him, to be proud of him, but instead, they became jealous. Over time, the jealousy turned into a bitter conspiracy against Quincy. His own brothers joined forces with other notable businessmen, who were in competition with him, and planned to take him down. They didn't want him to become greater than them, and they wanted to steal every asset that belonged to him.

Quincy winced as he recalled quite vividly that he had been poisoned on that fateful day. Thankfully, he had acted quickly and barely escaped death, fleeing the scene and stumbling to his wife Kohler's doorstep before losing all consciousness.

He was shaking as the memories continued to assault him… he had felt his wife hug him and cry all night long. He remembered feeling her tears soak his chest, her sobs echoing in his ears as she pleaded for him to come back to her.

Maybe it was the tears that had soaked him… or maybe her love for him, which had somehow pulled him back from the brink.

And now, as he sat in the hospital room, awake and conscious… he felt a pang of resentment. Resentment towards the Shi family, for all that they had done to him out of envy and betrayal. He had to get to his superior and make sure the Shi family paid for their betrayal. But first, he needed to find his wife.

"If Kohler stayed with me all this time, she must have endured hell… and she is still stuck there. I can't let them take her away," he muttered, touched by the memory of her tears.

She didn't want to leave him, but the Walters had forced her hand. When he was still in a coma, he had heard it from her own mouth…

Quincy’s priorities were clear, he had to infiltrate the Walter family and get his wife back.

Grabbing the phone by the bedside table, he quickly placed a call to one of his business associates… the one man he trusted the most in this world.

Scott was his confidant, and anything that he wanted done was on him, all he had to do was ask.

His voice was hoarse, his throat feeling completely parched from years of disuse.

"Hello, Scott." he rasped. 

"Young Master?" Scott asked, shocked to hear his Boss’s voice after such a long time.

 "Yes, Scott. I am back," he replied.

There was a moment of stunned silence on the other end, as Scott was trying to understand the fact that his Boss was really the one speaking.

"We thought… we all thought you were gone for good…”

Scott finally said, his voice thick with emotion.

"Well, I'm back now. Your number is etched into my memory, and I need you to do a few things for me on an urgent basis." Quincy commanded.

He outlined his plans for vengeance against those who had wronged him, while Scott listened intently

"Boss, all you have to do is say the word and they will be taken out of the picture at once," Scott replied dutifully. He was very pleased that his boss was not dead.

"Don't worry, Scott, we will definitely wipe out all the men that had a hand in my state. But first, I need you to contact the Garuma company, and have them invest 10 billion in the country. This should be able to help Kohler and her family get back on their feet," he ordered. He wanted time to deal with all his adversaries but his wife was a more pressing issue at the moment. He didn't want her to suffer anymore, he'd heard all her cries when he was in a coma and he wanted to help her.

"I'll do that at once, Sir," Scott replied. Garuma was Quincy's own business empire that he had founded from scratch and grown it into the giant that it was.

Just a single word from him, would change Kohler's life.

But first, he had to hurry and go to the Walter family house. Kohler was to be married off that same day, and he had to stop it by all means.

"I have to stop the engagement," he said with a cold voice.

Quincy got off the hospital bed and tore the wires from his chest, ignoring the heart monitor beeping wildly. He dressed swiftly and left the hospital, his mind focused on one goal.

Meanwhile, Quincy wasn't the only one who was in a hurry to get to Kohler. Charles, Kohler's soon-to-be fiancé, whom her mother had approved as her next husband- was also rushing to the Walter house.

Finally, he had Kohler within his grasp… and she would also help him secure his place in the Walter family. He sat in the car, and right behind him was a box… carrying a gift… the most luxurious wedding gift for the girl he had wanted for so long.

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