Chapter 4

The entire hall fell silent for a moment, until Mr. Walter strode up to Quincy, his eyes blazing with contempt.

"You! How dare you show up here, with your empty pockets filled with so much attitude! You are so arrogant, and yet we all know that you aren't worth anything!"

Quincy simply looked at him with a bored expression, he didn't want to go into a banter with him.

"Are you so sure of that?" He asked with a smirk.

Mr. Walter was even more pissed, as he shouted;

"Don't try to boast here, you bastard! I know very well, that you are just as worthless as Kohler and her useless mother!"

He then added with a smirk;

"And I'm confident enough that I'll even challenge you openly. If you can show me that have 10 million dollars on hand, then my position will be yours!"

Deborah joined the fray as she directed one dirty look towards Quincy, then turned her nose away.

"Don't waste your breath on him, Walter! This man is worth absolutely nothing, so what's the point of you putting your position on the line? If he was capable, it would be a different matter…”

Then, she turned towards Quincy and started to berate him;

“And you! Absolutely shameless! You will never be anything more than a coward and a fool! How can you come here and show your face in public, let alone brag about your so called billion dollar gift? Especially after Kohler has presented nothing more than a bowl of rotten fruits to her Grandfather!" Deborah sneered.

She continued,

"The grandfather who has raised her since she was a child… and yet, this ungrateful brat can't even buy a proper gift, even after spending millions of dollars on her trashy husband! If it wasn't already embarrassing enough to give a handful of rotten fruits to the man who is responsible for her being alive, she even opened her mouth and asked him for money! Absolutely disgraceful!”

Deborah’s husband, Vincent, was equally angry and he also snapped at Quincy. 

“You! What else is left for you to hear now? If you have even a little bit of self respect, then get out of the part at once! You shouldn't be here, the Walter family doesn't want you… and why would we, after all, you are nothing more than a bag of trash!"

He snapped, dragging him to the corner of the hall.

Until now, Kohler was frozen in her place, unable to decide whether she was imagining all of this… had she started hallucinating out of her guilt and sadness? Or could it be real?

Only when Vincent physically dragged Quincy away, did she realize that he was actually real!

He was actually here in the flesh… he was really standing in front of her…

She finally snapped out of her thoughts, realizing that it was really her husband they were all speaking to.

Forgetting everything else, she rushed to him and jumped in his arms happily, smiling with joy while tears streamed down her face.

"Is it really you… are you really awake?" She asked excitedly.

Quincy didn't say anything with his words, instead, he just held her in his arms and twirled her around. He was glad to have her beside him, to feel her happiness and warmth after such a long time.

"You're okay, Quincy… you're really fine, I can't believe it! You're really okay now…" mused with tears in her eyes.

"It's all because of you, my sweetheart. Your tears and the warmth of your love woke me up. I wouldn't have made it back without you," he said as he wiped a single tear that rolled down her soft cheeks. "I'm back, and I will never let you suffer anymore.”

He assured her, and Kohler looked at her family uncertainly as she heard this last words. Although she didn't say anything explicit, it was clear that she was concerned about the way that they were treating her and her mother. 

Quincy immediately understood that she wanted to change that, and he said;

“I know what your worries are, but I made a promise to the country to keep my identity a secret. I must play along for now, I can't let them know who I really am, okay?”

Kohler was a little puzzled, she didn't know what her husband was really talking about. What promise, and how would the country benefit from his identity?

But she was very glad that he was out of the coma and in sound health; and her relief and happiness at seeing Quincy overshadowed her confusion… at least for now.

Just then, Charles also arrived at the party, followed by two men dressed in fancy suits. His arrival also brought some form of attention, and he walked straight to Mr. Walter and handed him a document wohi saying a word of greeting.

Walter took the document, and his eyes widened as he opened it. A triumphant smile started spreading across his face, which kept growing as he flipped through the pages.

It was not only a marriage proposal for Charles to officially marry Kohler, but also a lucrative contract from the prestigious Garuma company, the biggest firm in the country! 

He turned to the rest of the family and clinked his glass, calling for their attention.

“Right here in my hands, is a document worth more than anything we can ever imagine. The Garuma company is eager to invest with us," he announced.

The room buzzed with surprise as everyone turned to each other in astonishment. They all knew Garuma was one of the biggest firms in the country, and securing a deal with them was nothing less than legendary. 

"That's right," Walter continued. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you should all be happy! This is the chance we need to move from where we are, to where we should be. We will elevate our status from a second-class family to a first-class one.”

His words were met with a round of applause, as he continued;

"But that's not all. Because it is such an important contract, anyone who is able to get it signed will become the next general manager of our prestigious company."

Deborah's eyes sparkled with ambition; although she was shocked by the announcement, she was secretly pleased, too. She had coveted the general manager position for a long time, and now, she was confident that with her influence and that of her husband, she would be able to get that position without much hassle.

It would just be a piece of cake!

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