167. Eliminated. 

The Italian man turned to Mexican man and said "I can't wait for the grand party, I really needed to fűck a lot of bîtches here"

His interpreter interpreted his words to the Mexican man whoburst into roaring laughter.

"I am more intetsted in the diamond" He said but the interpreter didn't say a word instead laughed.

"I mean I want those women too by the way American bîtches are not as sexy as the Mexican bîtches with their wide hips and their tasty püssy" He laughed.

The Italian man laughed along when his words were interpreted..

Ruben folded his fist and left from there.


Walter stayed in his room and smirked, he was victorious at last, he now has the whole world at feet, his dream has finally come true. It looked so surreal..

A girl in her mid twenties walked into Walter's room, she is one of the prostitute hired to satisfy his urges…

"Beautiful" He smirked as he laid his eyes on her..

She had heavy makeup on, thick eyebrows, thick and colored eye shadows, her lips has a
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