Chapter-7 Rumours

Her anger was justified. But one question she continued asking herself was, 𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘱𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰?

She wants to believe so. She wants to believe that he is recovering but the week's event shows otherwise.

Right from getting the huge mansion, to helping her get her skin glow back, to making dinners he used to make before things changed, now , receiving strange phone calls and calling out from her trip home.

She couldn't place her hand, but something was off. Damien is hiding something from her. She heaved a worried sigh, she hoped all this ended well.


Damien stared at Lily till she entered the car and the car was out of sight. He hadn't meant to call off his promise by following her home, but he had to do the needful.

Receiving the call made him nervous, scared and at the same time happy that he had finally found the evidence he had been looking for.

The woman who he expected would be here any moment from now. He is forever indebted to the old man and his secret organization.

Without having any relationship with the old man, the old man had helped him more than the people he had known since birth or for a while.

Now, he has been made the head of the organization. It was usually an organization headed by the old man but now, he has been entrusted with the responsibility.

He remembered what the man said to him the last time they spoke.

"I'm entrusting with my dreams and future. Which is to eradicate and make those in power pay for what they have done to the less privileged like us."

That made Damien even more determined to get through this. It has been two weeks since his parents died. It felt like a year already. He could feel the anger brewing up in him.

He sat on the couch waiting for the woman.

He also learnt that the secret organization has different species of people. Ranging from Martial arts warriors, to expert doctors, to skilled assassins, to lawyers in disguise of normal people.

But he wondered how they weren't popular like the other organizations in the states. The secret organization he now headed had potentials, talents and skills that could overthrow any organization.

He had given him his promise and he would not breach it. The doorbell broke through his thoughts.

As he opened the door he was met with a very calm looking face. She was tall and well shaped with tanned skin. She looked innocent and pretty with her blue eyes.

How can she be part of a secret organization? 

"Hello Mr steel, good meet you in person," she greeted with a cheery smile.

"Um hi, come in," he ushered her in. He led her to a room he renovated to use as his office.

"Have a seat,"

"Mr steel, we got the information you wanted us to get from you, our media are highly recommended and don't give false reports," She started as she brought out some files.

Damien's heart was racing fast. This is it. This is the time to know who killed his whole family. He wanted to know, but he was scared to know.

"Are you okay sir?" She asked him when she noticed his shaky hands.

"Just go on, I'm fine," he waved her off.

"There were four families involved in the murder or Mr Steel Gray, Mrs Steel Allen and Elvis Steel." She dropped the bombshell.

Damien died, woke up again and died again.


"What do you mean by four families involved in the death of my family?" He asked her intently as he studied her face for any atom of doubt.

"Exactly what you heard, four families were involved. The Turners, The Gregson, The Cowell, The Packers." She listed the top inLilyuential families in the states.

Damien bowed his head, he didn't know how to handle this information.

"Any reason?" He asked her. His heart was bleeding.

"A fake source assumed your family possessed a mystery treasure. They then informed the top inLilyuential families, the night they operated they found out it was false. The deed had already been done. I'm sorry"

He laughed. A bitter laugh. Tears were on the verge of falling. He held himself. 

If he lets anyone apart from his secret organization aware of his health, he is as good as dead.

His family were just tools for fake rumors and information. He laughed hard and bitterly. He let out a deep scream.

The woman cowered in her chair when she saw Damien Lilyare up, she had never seen a man in this kind of pain before. He seemed to be tearing apart.

Damien was torn inside. He had known what he had always wanted to know. Those freaking families would pay for what they did, he resolved inside him.

His appearance became more cold and disdainful. His face was already pale. 

"Is there anything you'll like us to do sir ?" She asked politely.

"It's fine, um ……" Silly him, how gentlemanly can he be, he hadn't asked her for her name.

"Alexia," Oh!

"Nice name, guess you are heading off already?" He asked when he saw her packing off.

She didn't have the opportunity to reply, Damien's phone broke the silence.

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