Chapter 231.
Vanessa was rushed immediately out of the castle to the hospital after she fainted.

Lady Harriet was worried but at the same time she was confused after realizing that Vanessa is not her real daughter.

After Vanessa was rushed to the hospital, Elder Amell angrily yelled at Lady Chadwick,

"Look at what you have caused to that poor young girl. She fainted because of the trauma on what you caused. " He said.

A member of the Table then stood up and attacked Lady Selma.

"This woman, you need to rot in jail for what you did, you must suffer for all the evil you have done! "

He said and everyone stood with him.

Sir Chadwick already was so embarrassed by his so-called wife.

He was already regretting the day he agreed with his mother to marry Lana.

It now felt it was the worse mistake of his life.

"I think I have heard enough, I do not want to see this evil witch around me ever again! "

Lady Chadwick cried, begging him on her knees for forgiveness.

"Soldiers take this jezebel out of he
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