Chapter 253.
"What! " David exclaimed with fear.

"God forbid it, mom, nothing terrible is going to happen to father! " He responded.

"That bastard, Uncle Geoffrey is really very wicked. He will suffer hell for this, see what he has caused to father. " David said as he curse his evil uncle who is still in jail.

Alesha on the bed listening to the conversation on the phone, her sleepy eyes cleared as she sat uprightly on the bed, looking puzzled and worried at David.

Nevertheless, Lady Elena continued;

"Well, son, your father wants to see you today.

Before the next stage which is the last stage of his treatment that would determine his fate, this afternoon, he said he had some things to show you in case the surgery was not successful. " Solemnly, she tells David.

David at that moment was troubled. But nonetheless, he replied;

"Ok Ok, Mom, don't worry, I'll fly my private plane and arrive Paris before afternoon to see you guys.

Please tell father to be strong. I hope his surge
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