Chapter 283.

"Huh! " Ashley's lips gapped with shock at what she just heard.

The lady continues, "I just hope the little boy is fine. "

Ashley's whole body was already trembling with fear.

She refused to believe it's her son the old lady is talking about.

With disbelief, she shook her head and asked; "Are you sure of what you're saying Ma'am?

The little boy I'm talking about, his name's Junior Forrest. " Ashley said to clarify,

And surprisingly, the old lady responded;

"Actually, that's the name of the little boy. " She said.

"My son! " Ashley muttered.

She scoffed with disbelief, "No, that can't be true, " she said as she slowly started to walk away from the old lady and soon started to hurry to the apartment the lady directed to her.

Finally getting to the entrance of the apartment, astonishingly, she saw her uncle, Marcus galavanting to and fro the passage of the apartment building with his phone on his ears.

When Marcus turns and saw her, he was astounded.

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