As Darien fought on, the sound of the skirmish echoed throughout the dimly lit room, each strike and grunt of effort reverberating off the walls. Despite his fatigue, Darien refused to yield, his determination fueled by a fierce sense of justice and a desire to protect those he cared about.

As he landed blow after blow, a plan began to form in his mind. He couldn't keep up this relentless assault forever, not against so many opponents. He needed to find a way to turn the tide in his favor, to gain the upper hand and end this confrontation once and for all.

With a quick glance around the room, Darien spotted a nearby table littered with assorted objects—a lamp, a vase, and a few other items. His eyes narrowed with determination as an idea took shape.

As his assailants closed in, Darien feinted left, then darted towards the table, grabbing the lamp in one fluid motion. With a swift swing, he sent it hurtling towards the nearest group of cronies, the shattering glass and sparks brie
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