Gangatsu staggered backwards under the force of Darien's onslaught, surprise and fury mingling on his bloodied face.

"How?!" he spat through clenched teeth. "The poison should have weakened you!"

Darien drove forward with relentless intensity. "It'll take more than that to keep me down," he growled.

Gangatsu rallied, blocking the blows with growing desperation. But Darien was in his element now, striking with lightning speed and laser focus. Gangatsu's defenses slowly crumbled under the assault.

Finding an opening, Darien landed a crushing blow to Gangatsu's jaw, followed by a punishing kick to his midsection. Gangatsu crashed to the ground, gasping for breath.

But he was far from beaten. With a roar of rage, he swept his leg in an attempt to trip Darien. Darien leapt nimbly over the attack and responded with a flurry of punches, driving Gangatsu further back.

"Give up!" Darien demanded through gritted teeth. But Gangatsu only snarled, launching himself back into the fray with
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