Darien's heart pounded in his chest as he dodged Gangatsu's lethal strikes, his muscles burning with exertion. He couldn't afford to lose focus now, not when victory was within reach.

Gangatsu's lips curled into a cruel smile as he lunged forward once more, his movements swift and deadly. "You can't escape, Darien," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Your fate is sealed."

Darien gritted his teeth, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tide. He couldn't let Gangatsu win - not after all they had been through. With a determined growl, he launched himself at his opponent, fists flying in a desperate flurry of blows.

Each strike landed with satisfying force, driving Gangatsu further back with every blow. But the villain was relentless, his attacks coming with ferocious speed and precision.

"You think you can defeat me?" Gangatsu sneered, his eyes burning with hatred. "You're nothing but a foolish child."

Darien's blood boiled at the insult, fueling his determina
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