Chapter 14: Mistakes
Arnold immediately got out of his car and walked towards the front of his car. A man looked like he just got up.

Arnold said quickly, "Are you hurt?"

The man who had just stood up and turned his back on him did not answer.

"I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. Let me take you to the hospital!" Arnold said anxiously.

The man raised a hand, indicating refusal. "But ...."

The man he hit didn't respond and instead jogged away from there.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Arnold called.

Arnold frowned, confused.


"But ... is he really okay?" Arnold muttered in a little worriedly.

However, after seeing the street that was starting to look crowded, he chose to leave the area immediately. He directed his car towards a nightclub, a place that was usually visited by some of his friends, including Glenn.

Once inside, he was immediately greeted by Zayn, "What's with that face? Do you have a problem?"

Arnold who had gotten his alcohol replied, "You're right Zayn."

Zayn who
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