Chapter 16: The Red Gem
Frostwyn reaches for the red gem with his left hand. As soon as he gripped it, it began glowing on top of his palm, and dark energy with red energy began flowing to his palm, which he found relaxing. Suddenly, Shikari grabbed the crystal out of his hand and threw it to the ground, creating massive cracks where it landed.

"Dark energy... It flowed inside me. I was about to destroy it," Frostwyn said, closing his left hand. He closed his eyes as he felt energy traveling all around his body.

"We could use this thing for something specific. Destroying it would be considered a waste. This is the red gem we're talking about, Frostwyn. It's destructive power and its source of energy are enough to make a human unbeatable in a battle," Shikari said while staring at the ground and looking at the red gem that stopped glowing. Suddenly, he started to hear Kiyoroshi grunting. It made him turn around to see blood dripping in the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, I'm no longer in my prime. But I think I
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