Chapter 34: Secrets
The leaves of the trees were dancing because of the wind that blew strangely. There were no birds that could be seen in the sky but clouds. Monoke Gakure appeared in the distance on top of a giant tree catching his breathing while holding a book.

He knelt on it and took a breather for a moment. He looked into his kimono pocket and saw the pouch that Artorius had given him. He smiled as he hid it again and jumped.

As soon as he jumped, he heard earrings ringing behind him. He immediately turned around, but he saw no one. He heard it again behind him, making him take another, but no one was there.

He began to walk forward as, all of a sudden, he was in a dark world inside a cage. A man emerged outside standing menacingly wearing a hat and earrings with a dark cloak and a dagger in his left hand. Monoke Gakure's eyes widened when he realized where he was.

"No, this is wrong!" Monoke said as he dropped the book he was holding, but immediately picked it up. He felt silence for a mome
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