Chapter 42: Pity
Kiyoroshi's body appeared missing in his room. The doctors and the guards that were supposed to be guarding him were in a state of shock about how he suddenly vanish in his bed. They glanced at the window and realized it was locked and there was no way he could escape from the door since there were guards at it.

"This is impossible! How could he be moving?! No human could endure that pain!" Exclaimed of one of the head doctors of the hospital as they looked at Kiyoroshi's bed in disbelief that he wasn't there.

In a dark dimension. Violet began walking in to a dark spiral-shaped portal in front of her that was emitting orange and green glows all over it's corners till she abruptly stopped. Purple was behind her resurrecting the deities that died.

"I'll take care of the last gem. Get to that gem after you're done... I won't be long," Violet said with a menacing tone. She walked into the portal without a word from her.

She emerged into a deserted land. Everywhere she looked there was san

"Charter 43 is the one"

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