Chapter 44: An All Out War
A peaceful blow of wind was suddenly interrupted by a giant scorching tornado. Two of them devastated the entire ground and forest of the Mountain of Zigaria. It was like the fight of giants, the ground was shaking, and wind slashes were flying into the clouds slashing it in half.

The whole mountain was shaking because of the trembling. The trees were dancing wildly along with their leaves. Birds were up in the sky left watching the ground as few of them were caught by the flying slash, killing them.

Yoshito gripped his giant sword as he saw giant thunder spheres above the sky. Ryujiro was about to flew when, suddenly, Ruler came out of nowhere and hit him with a thunderbolt and threw him afar, shielding Flare from the sky. He was charging his sphere of lightning and thunder as Kaminari flew up towards them, only to meet Pink and Conqueror who smiled at him menacingly swinging down their weapons.

Kaminari grunted as he immediately swung up his blade, colliding his sword's blade with t


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