Chapter 8: Danger Lies Ahead
Shikari Gakure and Gakushin Gakure appeared to have been separated once again. Shikari at this time was in a strange world, seeing floating islands above him and in the distance. He realizes that he's also on an island after looking down on the ground seeing that he is moving forward with it.

He then glanced into the distance in the sky seeing that he was in a four-dimensional world, he could see himself in the sky and the same island he was on making him mesmerized and see something he had never seen before.

On the other hand, Gakushin was stuck with Kiyoroshi and with the unknown woman who teleported Shikari to the unknown dimension. She started giggling as Kiyoroshi grabbed something out of his pocket and handed it over to her. It was a scroll, she smiled brightly as she unrolled it and read what was inside.

"Gakushin Gakure, let me tell you what really the mission is all about from Shimodo Rou himself. But let me tell you first that I've changed the real mission, the special
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