Chapter 199: The Final Verdict

"Now listen to me, you creep. You are just bluffing and..." The call ended before he could say anything else. He grunted in anger and walked back to where he was before. Raymond had alerted the police officers inside, and a chase had began to get Olivia. Robert walked back to them, breathing heavily.

"The police are after her." He tried to catch his breath.

"I know, sir. Let's meet with the detectives at once. I got everything she said on tape."

"Yes!" Roberts eyes lit up. "Let's go, then." The two men rushed in back in to the building. Fransisco followed slowly behind them, but when he saw that they were really ahead of him, and wouldn't notice if he wasn't with them, he moved back. He looked from side to side as he rushed out of the premises. Meanwhile, many policemen ran out of the building like a colony of ants, each person dispersing themselves into different cars. Soon, the cars were out of sight. Robert walked out of the building with Raymond beside him.

"It's a good thing you
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