Chapter 212: The Fly To Other Country 

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are not ready to begin the boarding process for flight 234 to Dubai. At this time, we would like to invite our first-class passengers to board the aircraft. If you are seated in first class, please make your way to Gate 12. We thank you for choosing to fly with us today and wish you a pleasant journey,” announced the airline gate agent.

Mr. Thornton, upon hearing this, immediately rose from his seat, carried his bag, and began to walk down to Gate 12 as the announcement had instructed.

In his hand were his valid passport, visa, health documentation, travel insurance, and credit card. Hence, he was wearing a long coat, well-tailored pants, and beneath the coat, a well-fitted suit.

Perched on his nose were fine, transparent glasses, and atop his head was a hat, all of which signified him as a well-to-do man.

Slowly, he walked and eventually climbed the stairs leading inside the plane and sat on the chair.

He was very comfortable in this chair, such that it enab
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